Thursday, July 24, 2014

Star Fruit!! The Fruit From The Stars!

        The produce that I wanted to final try was the star fruit, which is also known as Carambola. I wanted to try the star fruit because I’ve always thought it was a neat looking fruit. For some reason it always looked like a fruit from another planet. From the starts one might say. But they definitely aren’t from the stars; they are actually a species native to South East Asia. The star fruit is a beautiful greenish yellow and actually looks like a star when you cut it and look at its cross section. When you feel the star fruit it has a waxy coating texture to it that is very soft. The star fruit is most definitely a delicious looking fruit.

        First I went to HEB and I had some trouble finding them there. So I decided to ask a gentleman working in the produce section. He told me that star fruits can be found in many of the local Asian markets and that their HEB doesn’t usually have them. So I took a trip to the Asian market right down the street and picked the three best looking star fruits I could find. I didn’t really know what features to look for so I just picked the biggest and juiciest looking ones. I later found out that star fruits are ripe when the skin is yellow with a light shade of green. Luckily the ones that I picked out fit that description exactly. One thing I did know about them was that they are very high in vitamin C and have lots of antioxidants.  To my surprise though, star fruit are very low in sugar, especially in comparison to most fruits. Also the entire fruit is edible so it’s wise to wash off the skin very well.

        I decided to cut it into little star slices instead of biting into it. When I popped one of those stars into my mouth I was very surprised with the crunch that came with my bite. The crunch was very similar to a grape and the taste had some similarities as well. The juiciness was just incredible! And the taste was most definitely something to brag about. It tasted very sweet but certainly not overly sweet and there pleasant amount of tartness. I absolutely loved it and will definitly buy one again. Star fruit will have to be a special treat since they are a little too expensive for me to get all the time. But they are perfect for the occasional indulgence.


  1. Written very well, just some minor spelling errors at the beginning. I actually almost did starfruit, but couldn't find them at HEB either, and I decided I would try Kiwi since I was extremely put off by them. Do you know what caused the "crunch?" Was it the skin? Also, you said they weren't too high in sugar, so what do you think made them sweet? Most of the "sweet fruits" are pretty high in sugar. Overall, nicely done! Very interesting.

  2. I thought this was very interesting. I have always wanted to try a star fruit but as you already mentioned I have never been able to find one. I thought your post was good, a few misspelled words but nothing major. Its good to know that star fruit are high in vitamin C and have lots of antioxidants. If I ever come across one I will be sure to buy it and try it. Good job!

  3. I was wanting to try star fruit as well but the HEB near my house didn't have them either. (I went back today though and they do. Darn!) I like how you described it, very well done. What other fruit would you compare it to? Since it's not super common, it would be nice to know what it is similar to in taste. Also nice to know they aren't the cheapest fruit either!

  4. I love star fruit! I really like the fact that you tried it solely because it was "neat looking"; it tells the reader that you are willing to venture out and try new foods. Always makes for a better judge of what is "good". You do have a couple grammatical errors throughout, careful editing for that will clear that up. I really like that you mention the health benefits in all of your posts, it is an important factor with food now. Could you tell me a bit more about the taste and texture, different grapes have different tastes and textures. Specificity will really help out here. You also mention the price, could you give me a number on approximately how much I can expect to spend purchasing star fruit?

  5. Can you tell me what store you found it at? I would really love to try one now! You made it sound like a must have in the produce department. How was the texture of the skin? Could you tell that it was still on the fruit? Did you try it without the skin? Great description of star fruit overall!
