Thursday, June 11, 2020

What a Time With Key Lime!

Who doesn’t love some key-lime yogurt? Well, if you don’t love yourself some key-lime flavored yogurt, this blog may not be for you. But to those that do, I will give you an insight on a taste test I did of three different brands that produce key-lime flavored yogurt. The reason I decided to choose key-lime yogurt for my taste test was due to that it is easy to buy, easy to taste, and is my favorite flavor of yogurt.

My first step was to take a trip to my local HEB, which in the year 2020 is a lot more hectic experience than the usual trip to the grocery store. The HEB was packed and all were required to wear a mask. How busy the store was made me concerned that I might not be able to find three different brands of key-lime yogurt. Luckily, I did, and the three brands that I used for my taste test was Yoplait, Chobani, and the HEB store brand yogurt. To my surprise, the store brand was a tad more expensive than the Yoplait, and the Chobani yogurt was the most expensive of the three brands.

When it comes to conducting the taste test, I consumed two scoops of each brand of yogurt, taking a sip of water before consuming each scoop so my taste buds are reset to neutral, and I will be looking for what I taste as well as the texture of the yogurt. After taking a look at all three brands of yogurt, the appearance is similar, however, the Chobani looked a little more creamy out of the three whereas the Yoplait looked more like Jell-O rather than appearing creamy. The packaging for the Chobani and the HEB brand was similar, with the HEB brand being a little wider and containing a tad more yogurt than the Chobani, which differed from the Yoplait that was packaged different, appearing taller and more top-heavy than the other two brands that have wider packaging than the Yoplait key-lime yogurt.

I tried the HEB brand yogurt first. It was good, but a little bit bland in the fact that the key-lime flavoring didn’t quite pop out, tasting more like a lightly lime flavored Jell-o, even though it appeared less like Jell-o than the Yoplait. Don’t get me wrong, the HEB yogurt isn’t bad, but it was not overwhelming in flavor. Hard to explain, but the HEB yogurt doesn’t have you dying for seconds. 

The Yoplait I tried second, and it had more flavor than the HEB brand, but I would say it was a little too sugary. With key-lime yogurt, I am looking for a balance of sweet and tart flavorings, and the Yoplait definitely favored on the sweet side, tasting almost like if key-lime pudding was a thing, but had a more Jell-o like texture. It was not completely as thick as Jell-o, but it was the thickest in substance of the three brands, which I don’t think is bad, I just like my yogurt a tad more cream-like. If you are person who loves very sweet tasting yogurt, then Yoplait has to be your pick of the bunch.

Lastly, I tried the Chobani, which I had tried before and liked a lot, but I was trying not to remember that occasion and have a bias. However, I must say that I did like the Chobani the most because it did have that creamier texture I was looking for. It wasn’t too creamy, not as creamy as pudding, but it was not as much like Jell-o as the other two brands. The Chobani had a better balance of sweet and tart than the other two. It still favored sweet over tart like the other two, but that was ok with me because if I want sweet or tart to stand out more, I’m going with sweet. I would have to say that the Chobani did feel creamier, and sweeter, towards the end, almost like it was on purpose to make the texture softer at the bottom of the cup. I would have preferred it remaining the same texture throughout its packaging, but still have to say the Chobani was my favorite simply due to the flavor. The Chobani was a little more acidic and fruity tasting (lime tasting) than the other two, which I did like because it was not overly acidic. It was like a nice hint of acidity that made the yogurt stand out over the other two brands.

Overall, the Chobani was my favorite, due to simply having the best flavor, but I would consume any of the three brands again. Due to that I am a college student, I would probably buy the Yoplait to save a buck, but I would have to say that the Chobani was the best quality of the three brands, and that the higher price did equal higher quality. You really can’t go wrong with any of these three brands of yogurt however, and you can never go wrong for wanting to enjoy some quality key-lime yogurt!

1 comment:

  1. Hey there, another great blog. Although, there were some areas that I feel the blog could be improved upon to make it even better. For one, pictures. Using only a picture of the HEB brand yogurt, especially when it wasn't your favorite, seems a little odd. Instead, you could have taken pictures of all the yogurts once you opened them and then paired them next to when you talked about them. That way the audience knows what you're talking about when you point out things about the yogurts. Also, I feel that, near the beginning, you could have set up a criteria for how you wanted your yogurt to taste/loo/feel and all that sort of stuff. In the example with Yoplait, you go a little into what your ideal Key-lime yogurt is. If you set up a criteria earlier on, it would make more sense to the reader, since they know your tastes going in. Anyways, great post regardless.
