Tuesday, June 23, 2020

I Learned How To Make a Chicken Cutlet!

For my recipe review, I used a recipe for a chicken cutlet that my brother makes all the time. I am certainly not a chef. In fact, I think the closest I’ve ever come to “cooking” is making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich or putting a bowl of oatmeal in the microwave. However, that changed for me today as I cooked a chicken cutlet, with instructions and recipe given to me from my brother, who makes this dish for us all the time. I wanted to learn to make this dish because I have had it before due to him cooking it for me (I pay him back by doing the dishes) and it is quite delicious. The recipe was not overly complicated. It included:

-1 chicken breast
-1 teaspoon of salt
-1 cup of flour
-1/2 teaspoon of black pepper
-1/2 teaspoon of paprika
-1 cup of milk

I was not overly worried or intimidated by any of the ingredients, other than slight fear of burning the chicken breast. I felt confident that I was going to produce a quality chicken cutlet. The first step included letting the chicken thaw. Then to place the flour and other ingredients on to the chicken before letting it cook on a pan. Before putting the chicken in the pan, I had to pound into the piece of chicken to flatten it out with a cooking tool that I don’t know the name of, but reminds me of a gavel a judge would use in a courtroom, to make it appear like a cutlet. I filled the pan with olive oil before placing the chicken on top of it. I was instructed to let the chicken cook for five minutes on one side before flipping it over and letting it cook for another five minutes on the other side.

The finished product looked similar to how it looks when my brother makes it. It looked crispy and very appetizing. I cut into the middle of it like they do on cooking shows to make sure it was fully cooked, and it was. It had the same smell of the cutlets I have eaten before that come from this recipe. I expected the flavor to be quite nice.

I tried my first bite of the first ever chicken cutlet I cooked myself. It tasted exactly like how it has tasted before. It’s a very delicious flavor, with plenty of juices and the flavors that come from the salt, pepper, and paprika blended together very nicely. I have not tasted a chicken dish similar to this at a restaurant or anywhere else other than at home, but it is good enough to be a dish in a restaurant in my opinion. Probably just need to add a side dish and it can be a meal at a restaurant. It is a sweet flavored chicken dish, that is crispy, but tender as well. I honestly would not have changed a thing about the dish.
  Certainly, I would make this recipe again. The entire process took approximately 40 minutes, as there is some time needed to let the chicken breast thaw. But it is a very makeable dish for anybody that would like to try this at home, and there are other ingredients that can be added such as garlic if that is something the cook would be interested in. However, I would not change this recipe, as this piece of chicken cutlet came out exactly how I enjoy it. If you want to try a new dish and have these ingredients at home, give this recipe for a chicken cutlet a try!

1 comment:

  1. Good last post! It was nice to hear about your experience cooking a dish your brother makes all the time. I do have a few suggestions, though: At the beginning, you told us that your brother makes the dish all the time about 3 times. It does get a bit redundant, it would be good to cut some of that out so that it reads more fluidly. The pictures were good, although I don't know why the first one is included where it is. I think that you could switch where it is with where the second picture is, so that it flows a bit better. Or push it down lower to where you talked about how you felt going into the dish. Finally, in one of your last paragraphs, I was a little confused to see that the dish was "sweet flavored" since none of the ingredients you used (aside from the milk) would add sweetness. Did you mean it was a sweet chicken dish to make? Regardless, it was a fun post to read through!
