Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Quality Quiches for a Quality Breakfast

           Cooking is something I’ve been meaning to do more of for a while now. Considering the circumstances we’re all in, now’s as good a time as any to start trying my hand at making things on my own. And what better way to do it than making the most important meal of the day: Breakfast!

            When deciding on what to make, I just went with whatever I thought I would be craving. It didn’t have to be particularly healthy, but I wanted something flavorful and tasty. After some thinking, I finally decided on doing quiches! More specifically, I wanted to make mini quiches with swiss cheese since the recipe sounded good to make! Although, going into it, I won’t lie: I’ve never worked with pie dough before, so I knew that it would probably be my biggest challenge. Grating the cheese, measuring out things and whisking them together sounded like the easiest time for me. However, I should note a few things: I didn’t use any pimiento peppers since I had never heard of or seen them before, nor did I use any green onions because, honestly, I didn’t know we didn’t have any before making this dish. Anyway, let’s go ahead and dive into how to make this dish. For it you’ll need:
      2 Pie Pastry rolls (I used store-brand stuff, you can use whatever you feel like)
      2 Cups finely grated Swiss Cheese (They actually sell a block of the stuff at H.E.B!)
      2 Eggs
      ½ Cup Half-and-half cream
      Salt (I just eyeballed it, about ¼ of a teaspoon)
      A pinch of Cayenne pepper (Again, eyeballed it)
      2 tablespoons of Parmesan cheese (I used the powdery Kraft kind)

First, set the oven to 375 degrees to pre-heat. While that’s going, take a mini muffin pan and spray it with non-stick spray. Next, roll the dough out until it’s relatively thin (but not too thin!). From there, you can use a cookie cutter or something similar to cut the dough into 2-inch rounds (I ended up using a wine glass).

Once the rounds are cut out, place them into the muffin pan and make sure they reach all the way to the bottom of the pan. Be careful not to tear the dough here!

After shredding your swiss cheese, place small amounts of it at the bottom of the pie crust, leaving enough room at the top. It usually just takes a small pinch.

In a medium bowl, whisk together your eggs, half-and-half cream, cayenne, salt and parmesan.

Fill the pie-crusts up with the egg mixture about a 1/4th of the way from the top, leaving some room for the quiche to puff a little bit. I used a regular spoon to pour the mixture in, and it gave just the right amount every time.

Place in the oven and bake for 25-30 minutes or until golden brown.

Give the quiches 3 minutes to cool before you serve!

As you can see with my attempt, the pie crust browned too fast and burned a little. This is because I actually rolled the dough out too thinly! It’s something to keep in mind for the next time I make this. The quiches, though, were nice! Very strong swiss-cheese flavor, the crust was flaky, the seasoning was good (not too salty and not spicy at all. If anything, the cayenne was probably added to wake up some of the flavors). However, I will admit that they were very one-note. They didn’t have a depth of flavor or anything, probably because I didn’t include the peppers or green onions. It’s something I’ll definitely have to try next time!

1 comment:

  1. I think this was a really good last post. One thing I think you did a great job with is going through the process step-by-step and doing a thorough job explaining each of those steps. Another thing that was great was that you had a picture for each step, which makes it easier for any reader who is inspired to make the dish to look at the picture of the individual step to make sure they are on the right track. By the way, those quiches look delicious! I might need to try to make those myself and hopefully not burn the house down...anyways, all your posts have been really good but this might be the best!
