Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Coconut Lime Rice Pudding

Coconut Lime Rice Pudding

     When deciding what kind of recipe I wanted to try, I really wanted to find a good coconut recipe. I bought a fresh coconut and see if I could incorporate it into a dish. I found this coconut lime recipe that looked perfect to try from delish.com http://www.delish.com/cooking/recipe-ideas/recipes/a15498/baked-coconut-lime-rice-pudding-recipe-opr0311/.
    When looking at the process I was worried about time. I decided to use packaged coconut and coconut milk to save time and effort of prepping a fresh coconut. My little girl and I began our trip to HEB to get the ingredients we needed. At HEB my little girl and I had a trouble find the coconut and coconut milk. We arrived at home just in time to start cooking.
    The first step I did was grease a 9 by 13 inch pan with butter and setting it aside. After that I whisked together all the ingredients which included the butter, Milk (I used almond milk because of lactose intolerance), heavy cream, freshly grated lime zest, ground ginger and egg.
     After that step I added the dried fruit mix which I substituted for raisins as suggested. Another suggestion was using any fresh fruit you like instead of banana, kiwi, or mango. I had some blueberries in the fridge and decided to throw those in the mix as well. Instead of almonds I used cashews. After combining the all the ingredients I poured it into my pan and baked it covered with foil for 45 minutes. After the first 45 minutes I uncovered it and baked it for another 30 minutes. After that I let it cool and served it a couple hours later.
    The appearance of the pudding was a little surprising to me. It didn't look anything like the picture from delish. The changes I made changed the appearance and added a lot of color. My pudding definitely lost some appeal. It looked like a mess.  
The rice pudding tasted really good and had a strong but not
overpowering lime taste. It was the perfect amount of sweetness. The pudding had a nice creamy and firm texture and the dried fruit added some chewiness. I thought that the cashews interrupted the dish because the crunchiness felt out of place.

For changes in the future I will use Mango next time as I think that will improve the appearance. Removing the nuts I think will be a good change and give the pudding a more uniform texture. The 9x13 pan was a little too small in my opinion as the pan became filled to the top. I will be sure to make this recipe again.


  1. I really like how you already decided that there were some changes that you would make and that you mentioned the changes that you would make. I think that the dish was very colorful and that while it seems crumbly, the taste would make up for the way it looks. I've never had this dish before but it does sound appetizing. When you make the dish again would you use the fresh coconut? If so, do you think that the fresh coconut will make a significant difference?

    1. I would like to use fresh coconut but I will have to find out how to prep it. The fresh coconut will make a big difference.

  2. I think most of all, I like the simple look of this post. There's not much scrolling and the pictures are informative. Without reading, I have a pretty good sense of what ingredients to use and the the text tells me what I need to do. In the second paragraph the repetition of "my little girl and I" is a little awkward. I also think you meant "had trouble" in that last sentence. I think the steps are outlined very well, however, the repetition of "after that" "after the" was distracting. Perhaps bullets will help for this section. I love that you included suggestions along the way. You described he taste and texture of the dish very well. Including further suggestions and errors was the perfect touch. Great job!

  3. Your pictures were good. Why did you decide to make the nut substitution? Since cashews are oily, do you think that the oil from the cashew affected the appearance and texture of the pudding?

    1. The shell of almonds and I don't get along and so I like cashews so I picked them. The oil from the cashews had no effect in my opinion but effected the texture.

  4. This looks really interesting! It's totally different from the texture/appearance I associate with pudding. I'm assuming it's more like a bread pudding than a creamy pudding? Explaining this might help a little.

  5. i like the outcome of your pudding! it looks really delicious to me because it has a pudding and pie type of texture. you have some crunch in there and softness from the pudding. I like how you are going to try this recipe again and make more changes. The more you experiment the more discoveries you can make! good post!

  6. Was there a particular reason you wanted to try a coconut recipe? Since this is your opening sentence you might want to add that in there even if it's just because you like them. You also don't describe the coconut flavor later on so it feels a bit disconnected from your beginning. Other than that, you could use a few tweaks of grammar and wording here and there. My favorite part of your post is how you mention the changes you made, and then how you thought about what other changes you would make if you made this recipe again. I thought that was a good idea and also helpful for anyone who wants to make this recipe.

  7. I like that you were honest about being a little disappointed. I felt the same way with my dish this week. I think it looks really good though. You described the taste of it really well, and it sounds like you put a lot of thought in to what to do next time to make it better. You said you and your daughter had a hard time finding the coconut milk, but that's all it says. Where did you find it?

  8. Very interesting choice of recipe. I think it sounds really good and I am glad you decided to write about it. One way that you could improve your post would be to work on your introduction to grab the attention of the reader more which you typically do a pretty good job at in your writing. Particularly I would like to hear more about the inspiration for making rice pudding. Also, I think that you should elaborate more at the end on why you think that the recipe was unsuccessful and what you will be doing differently next time when you make the rice pudding again (using fresh coconut when you have more time, changing the fruits that you chose, adjusting the temperature to the size of pan that you are using, etc.) Other than that, though it didn’t quite turn into a pudding, the finished product looks pretty tasty. What other kind of food would you compare your actual results of the dish to? It looks similar to a bread pudding.
