Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Lobster Bisque!

Upon my search for a new recipe to review, I wanted to find something that I knew for a fact I enjoy and could recreate for special occasions. I am a huge seafood fan and so nothing sounded better to me then to make homemade raviolis with a lobster bisque sauce. Though this sounded quite challenging at first, I decided I wanted to see what I am capable of while at the same time, break in my girlfriends new pasta machine and show her what I can do.

The first thing that I did was prepare the pasta dough for the raviolis and the mix that I will be putting inside. Luckily, I already knew how to make homemade pasta so searching a recipe for this process wasn't necessary. I made the ravioli dough with a simple egg and salt mixture added into a pile of flower until it becomes the ball of dough that I covered in a plastic bag and let sit for an hour and a half. While I waited on the dough to settle, I put together a stuffing in which I mixed together ricotta cheese with green onion, crab, sautéed shrimp, and a few seasonings then I put it into the fridge until the ravioli dough was ready. For the remainder of that hour, I marinated the lobster with olive oil, lemon, and thyme and placed that into the fridge as well and then started the soup.

I found a great recipe for lobster bisque at allrecipes.com in a post entitled Annie’s Lobster Bisque. After preparing all of the ingredients, (chopping, mincing, portioning) I put it all together using the order process that the recipe suggests. This process began with cooking the onions first, adding in the wine and cooking sherry, letting that simmer until it has reduced to about half of the amount started, adding in flour for thickness, and then the tomato paste and milk fallowed by the addition of various seasonings to taste. I didn't have all of the seasonings so I used what I did have, (salt, pepper, and Worcestershire sauce) and substituted cayenne pepper with chili powder. I also added a bit of ground white pepper and onion powder.

While the soup was cooking together all of the ingredients, at this point a tomato bisque, I started cooking the lobster. During this process, I pan seared the lobster tails for a few seconds on each side to start the lobster meat cooking. After, I made a sauce with white dry wine, butter, garlic, lemon juice, and Italian parsley and let the sauce do the remaining of the cooking by continuously pouring the hot mixture over the meat placed on the pan to finish the cooking process with a garlic, citrusy infusion. At this point I saw that I was limited with the amount of lobster meat and so at an attempt to keep all of the seafood I had in the sauce for the raviolis, I kept the soup as just a tomato bisque soup and used the tomato bisque soup as a base to create a creamy sauce. This was a simple process of adding the tomato sauce to a homemade rue to just make it more thick and I added the lobster and sauted shrimp to this.
As a side item, I made a light avocado shrimp salad with a sweet and tangy homemade red vinaigrette. I found this recipe at addapinch.com. The final process involved putting the raviolis together and boiling them. Altogether, the meal was excellent. The soup was creamy and flavorful with a small spicy kick. The sauce was filled with shrimp and lobster, which paired great with the shrimp and crab filled raviolis. And the side shrimp salad was basically the icing on the cake with such a heavy dish. I will use this recipe and make it my own for future dinner occasions and ultimately, I am very happy that everything came together without any problems.



  1. Wow! This meal sounds like something that you'd order in a restaurant! The sentence, "After, I made a sauce...garlic citrusy infusion" is confusing and should probably be reworded. It might be good to explain when/how you made the homemade rue. From reading your sentence about it, I assumed that the rue was referring to the tomato bisque, but I'm not sure. I didn't know how noodles were made, so that part of your post was fascinating!

  2. This seemed like a very challenging dish, however you did a fantastic job! I was very interested in how you made the raviolis and I would like to try to make some on my own one day. I think that since you just used a link for the recipe that making the image of the ingredients a little bigger would help the post. I think that the post was very well written and I can tell that you had fun making the dish even though it was a challenge.

  3. Wow. I'm pretty sure I could not make something like this. How did you know how to make raviolis? Have you done it before, or was it included in the recipe? (I can't get the link work.) It sounds like you did everything pretty easily, but would someone like me (with very little cooking experience) be able to follow a recipe like this fairly easily? Was it specific about the different steps? Again, I can't get the link to work to look, and the summary of it all seems a little intimidating for me. It sure does look good, though.

  4. Sounds like it turned out fantastic! I have never made any of these things before, and I had a really hard time following. How did you make the rue, for instance? What was in the raviolis? Is it actually a lobster bisque or a tomato bisque with lobster in it, and what would be the difference? I think it might be helpful to cut out the description of making the raviolis and the shrimp salad and focus on the bisque so you can go through the steps in order and in more detail.

  5. how was making the pasta? my grandmother is a master at this step, but for me its extremely hard! You took on a challenging recipe and nailed it. Everything looks so good and the raviolis seemed to have turned out great as well. I think you did a great job with your pictures. They presented visuals for each step in the recipe. Overall, great job on this one!

  6. This recipe sounded hard and I'm glad that you decided to take the challenge. Everything does look good as Haley said. Visually this post looks a little cluttered and seemed a little long to me. I was a little confused at what picture was which and labeling each one will help the reader a lot. I like that you were very detailed in what you did. This sounded like a meal that will be remembered for a long time.

  7. This recipe sounded like quite the challenge! You seemed to execute it flawlessly. There was a lot to focus on with so many different elements so I think it was wise to leave the technical details up to the links. I, however, also had problems with the links. That creates a major problem. I like that you continuously mentioned any alterations you made with the recipe. I agree the pictures look a little cluttered and the last two pictures seem out of place as they are not following the picture-text format. Overall, you put a lot of effort towards this meal and it looks like you did a great job!

  8. I appreciate the effort you put into this as well! Did you have help when you were making this, or did you do it all on your own? I've made pasta like this before, but usually my sisters and I make it together because of all the steps! Did you and your girlfriend eat it together? What did she think? Really impressive job with the recipe!
