Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Southern Peach Dumplings

     My mom has been making peach dumplings for the past five years or so and I've never seen her look at a recipe. Turns out she got the recipe by word of mouth at a family cook out and she's been improvising since. This sweet, delectable dish is highly coveted and dangerously high in calories (I'm positive). Yet, after just one bite, it all seems worth it. Being inexpensive, easy, and fun to make I decided to give it a shot. I found a recipe here and incorporated my mom's special touches.

You'll need:
1 29 oz. can sliced peaches (drained) OR 2 whole large peaches
2 8 oz. cans of Crescent Rolls
1 cup (2 sticks) butter
1-1/2 cup pure cane sugar (Brown sugar optional)
Cinnamon, to taste
1 tsp pure vanilla (extract)
1 12 oz. can mountain dew or 1 cup Crown Royal Regal Apple Whisky


I used a can of peaches. These are not preferred according to suggestions I've seen because of the extra moisture from the syrup, but mom drains the peaches and uses the extra syrup in the butter mix for extra flavor. I drained the peaches and poured the extra syrup in another bowl. Pop open those croissants and unroll them. Tear along the perforated lines to separate each slice. Place a peach slice on the wide end and roll towards the point. Place each rolled croissant in a lightly buttered 9 x 13 pan. Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees. 

Place two sticks of butter (1 cup) in a pot and melt it on the stove. Add 1 cup of sugar in increments stirring slightly. My mom advised that I add 1/2 cup of brown sugar for a moist caramel flavor to complement the peaches. Now add in that extra syrup set aside earlier. Stir in 1 tsp of vanilla. The sweet, buttery caramel scent is mouth-watering.

Pour the butter mix over and around the croissants. The croissants should be almost fully submerged in the sauce. Take a 12 oz. can of Mountain Dew and pour it around the edges of the pan. It will fizzle, give your croissant a citric acid aftertaste and look pretty cool. My mom usually uses Crown Royal Apple Whiskey in place of the Mountain Dew so I'm interested to see how different it'll taste in the end.

Lastly, sprinkle as much cinnamon as you'd like on top. I'm pretty heavy handed myself. Place the dessert in the oven for 35 minutes.   

The smell alone attracted my family to the kitchen. The finished product should have a golden brown crisp finish and a very fine layer of juice at the bottom. My mom noted that there was a distinct citrus flavor from the Mountain Dew that made this dish unique from her usual hint-of-honey whisky peach dumplings.

Nonetheless, the flavor was amazing and the fluffy crust literally melts in your mouth. The peach and butter sauce flavors are robust while the cinnamon and citrus accents are subtle.

A nice dollop of vanilla-centered ice cream gives a fresh contrast between the warm crusted peaches and cool vanilla. I'd love to try this same recipe using granny Smith Apple's (with the Mountain Dew or Apple Whiskey). If you have a sweet tooth or need a post-entrée dish for a larger crowd, I recommend this peach of a dessert.


  1. These look delicious!! Can you describe the fizzling Mountain Dew in more detail?

  2. I love your final images they look very appetizing!! I think that I will try this recipe, my mom and dad love peaches so I think that it would be a great one to cook for them! :) I really liked the layout of the blog and you did a great job describing what it tasted like!

  3. This looks so good. It reminds me of my mom's sopapilla cheesecake, but I don't think her cheesecake takes as much time. How long did this take to prepare before you baked it? What made you choose the Mountain Dew? I think the idea of making this with apples is a good one. I bet you could you use pretty much any fruit to do this, huh? I think I'm giving this to my mom to make. It looks really good.

    1. Because it was my first time, there was maybe a 5 min. trial and error period for rolling the crescent rolls. Once I got the hang of it, I rolled them all in about 10 min. The butter part takes about 7 min. max. So maybe a 15-25 min prep time before baking. Mountain Dew was listed in this recipe as well as many others I found. The other soda of choice was Sierra Mist as it contains no sugar, sodium and other less preferable ingredients. I'm sure you could use plenty of different fruits! It's fun to play around with and really easy to make, I say give it a shot!

  4. Love this! I'd never heard of fruit dumplings, so I had no idea what to expect- they look super simple and amazing and your description is awesome. It might be helpful to include maybe a sentence of description right at the beginning, when you first mention them. Even though there are pictures shortly after, telling us what a dumpling is in this case might help.

  5. i love how you used mountain dew! its a good idea to use the syrup from the soda in your recipe. These look delicious and i would love to make some of my own. i like this with some apples would be amazing too! I'm not too much of a fan of the granny smith apple, but i would definitely give it a try in this recipe. Great job!

  6. First thing I thought was that sounds good just from the title. I like peaches and dumplings so I was excited to begin to read it. Your process seems to be easy because of your clear instructions. I like that you put what you need in the beginning. Your pictures are great but seem to be a little cluttered to me but it may not look right without all of them. This sounds like a winner. Thanks and good job.

    1. I think I could remove one of the butter images, possible the one of the left, thanks!

  7. I was a little confused when you were talking about the canned peaches. Has your mom found that using canned peaches works better or is it more for convenience's sake? Do you think it would be better with fresh peaches or would you make it with canned again? The word "nonetheless" in your second to last paragraph through me off a bit. It made it sound to me like your family didn't like the Mountain Dew, which I'm not sure is the case. This recipe sounds and looks delicious! You did a really good job! It does seem like a fun dish to experiment with. I think I might have to try this.
