Monday, June 20, 2022

Dream Melon ( Drop Melon)




  I Had Woke up thinking about what was a good Vegetable to try . There are a lot of good vegetables but during this adventure it led me to the “Dream Melon” from H.E.B. I was walking around and there wasn’t nothing that was really catching my eye but I had a taste for one thing and it was really watermelon the red one but I wanted to be different because the dream melon reminds me of the yellow seeded watermelon that my uncle grandfather grow and selling till this day. According to some of the research that I did this specific melon is only sold at HEB around the summertime. Out of everything that I saw I decided to give this one to try. So I bought one, took it home, cut it up, and took a bite. Not going to lie I was a little scared cause I am definitely not one for trying new things, but there’s a first time for everything, right? 2Now I’m sure some people have there ways of eating this fruit, like in salads, smoothies, or maybe even cocktails. But me personally, I just cut it up and eat it.  When I bring it home It was a struggle at first because the outer rind was sort of hard to cut through, but once I got through that the rest was easy. The melon has that outer rind that reminds me of a cantaloupe, but the taste definitely is not the same if you ask me. This fruit has more of a sweet and creamy taste with hints of pear as well, while a cantaloupe has more of just a sweet taste that’s hard to explain to it. The Dream Melon is very juicy too. I honestly didn’t think I’d like it because I’m picky with my fruits, but this was very appeasing. By surprise it’s actually a customer favorite, especially during summer time.

When I eat fruit my mom always told me to read before you eat the fruit know what you always putting in your body. I just thought if you grow it in a garden you wouldn't really have to do research because its coming from the grown and me personally majority of all the vegetables that come from the ground are good for you just have to pick the right ones. "The Drop melons are a hybrid variety developed through traditional breeding techniques in the early 21st century. The sweet-tart fruits are a cross between a wild melon variety that contains a high citric acid content and a sweet galia melon.Martori exclusively grows and distributes the Lemon Drop melon under the brand "Kandy." Today Lemon Drop melons are seasonally available through specialty distributors and grocers in partnership with Martori Farms throughout the United States.  The Martori Farms dedicates over 9,000 acres for melon cultivation, and Lemon Drop melons are exclusively grown in Arizona’s desert climate to develop an optimum balance of sugars and citric acid. Where  the melons are immersed in an innovative hot water produce shower that sprays the melon for 20 seconds with water reaching 162 degrees Fahrenheit.The hot water produce shower helps to pasteurize the skin and remove environmental bacteria from the melon’s surface without compromising the fruit’s flavor or texture which makes the outer layer of it hard to cut. As I was doing more research the Drop melons are a good source of vitamin C to strengthen the immune system, reduce inflammation, and boost collagen production within the skin. The melons also contain vitamin B6 to help transform ingested food into energy, potassium to balance fluid levels, and fiber to regulate the digestive tract which that are good for the body incase you work out a lot it would make you grind harder.

Work Cited

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nakoven, I've never heard of this melon and I go to HEB all the time. Thanks for sharing your experience with this fruit and highlighting it for us. I'm going to try it. The dream melon looks to be very good for you. The flesh does look like cantaloupe. I think it's cool that it has a taste that resembles a pear. Did you get a picture of it before cutting it up?
