Sunday, June 12, 2022

Taste Test: Vanilla Ice Cream Sandwich Bars


The product I chose to taste test was vanilla ice cream sandwich bars. Ice cream sandwiches aren’t something I see and think, I need one of those! Honestly, if I never had ice cream in my freezer it would be fine with me. My husband is the big ice cream fan in your house. Vanilla ice cream sandwich bars are something I very rarely buy if at all. I prefer popsicles.

The three brands I chose in vanilla ice cream sandwich bars were, Hill Country Fare, Blue Bunny, and Fat Boy. I buy Hill Country Fare items all the time. I’m very happy with this product line. I didn’t have any bias running through my mind in picking this brand because of this reason.

I placed the three ice cream bars on a plate. The boxes were placed back in the freezer and not even close to the area of the taste testing process. I wanted to focus on just the products themselves and not the packing and marketing of them. I used bottled water and cheese to cleanse my palate after testing one and before moving on to the next. I’ve used cheese in past judging competitions.

The appearance of the three vanilla ice cream sandwich cookies were different indeed. The one was very slender and seemed lighter in weight. One had a wider width, a little shorter in height, but had a thicker layer of ice cream between the cookie layers. The last was shaped completely different than the top two. It had the thickest layer of ice cream. It was a square shape, not rectangular in size like most you see for this product. Could it be that the company makes it look different, so their product stands out to the consumer?

I tested the top left vanilla ice cream sandwich bar first. As soon as I started to eat it, the cookie sandwich immediately stuck to my fingers. The cookie sandwich tasted a little on the mushy side. I guess that’s why it was sticking to my fingers as I was eating it. The vanilla ice cream in the middle didn’t a rich creamy flavor but more of an icy type of texture to the ice cream.

 Next, I tried the one in the top right of the plate. The cookie exterior wasn’t as messy as the first one. It did stick a little to my fingers but not as bad as the first one. The vanilla ice cream had a richer flavor. It was creamier than the first one, but the ice cream seems a little watery as it melted between the cookie layers.

 The last one I tested was the square shaped ice cream sandwich at the bottom of the plate. The cookie exterior was firmer and didn’t stick to my fingers. Once I took a bite, I could tell a huge difference in the ice cream from the first two. This vanilla ice cream sandwich bar had the most rich and creamy flavor on my palate. It also seemed to have more ice cream between the sandwich layers.

 After the taste test, I realized there is a difference in taste, appearance, and textures. The top left was the Hill Country Fare brand, Top right was the Blue Bunny and one of the bottoms was the Fat Boy. Honestly, I would eat any one of these brands again. If I was wanting the better product, I would choose Fat Boy.



  1. Hello Denise, I actually used a Blue Bunny brand for my taste test. The ice cream I tasted had a very rich vanilla flavor as well, but the flavor was supposed to be cookies & cream. I noticed mine was very mushy, could you notice the same?? or was it just watery? And how did the cookie taste fare, did it not meet expectations? bc they're known for that.

  2. The vanilla ice cream sandwich from Blue Bunny was more rich than the Hill Country Fare, but wasn't that thick in consistency. I agree with you on this brand. It's never been a favorite brand to me. You mentioned in your taste test it had a strong vanilla taste and it was the same in the ice cream sandwich. It was mushy as it started to melt too. If I would go back to buy this product, it would be the Fat Boy brand. The cookie texture, ice cream flavor and consistency was the best.

  3. Hi Denise! Hill Country Fare ice cream sandwiches were one of my favorite treats as a kid. As soon as I saw your picture, I recognized which sandwich belong to that brand. My grandfather used to sneak me some as a kid, but my chocolate-stained fingers weren't much help when we were trying to keep it a secret. Haha! So I know exactly what you mean when you said that they were kind of messy. I would love to try out a less messy option like the Fat Boy sandwiches, though. I'm sure my grandfather would enjoy some too. Do you remember how much they cost?

  4. Hi Devin, the Fat Boy brand was 4.61 for a 6 ct. box.
