Thursday, June 23, 2022

"Guac n' roll!" Recipe Review by Dior Ayala

Cheese it!

I was thinking for a long time on what recipe to choose, maybe cakes, or perhaps something extravagant! Then I thought, why not something that can be enjoyed that is fast and really easy to make. So, I decided on making Nachos with Guacamole!

My mother made me nachos for the first time around early May, and since then ay! I ‘ve been obsessed, they were so yummy and savory!! For context, I have tried nachos before; in the movies, restaurants, parties, etc. but they have always been lacking or simply so-so nachos. Since trying the nachos my mom made, I have been obsessed with the delicious cheesy goodness of the nachos, even making pico de gallo and guacamole as toppings!

This time, I will make this favorite of mine following a recipe I found online that is pretty similar to the one we use. Let me just say, it was so hard to find! For making the nachos cheese only, there are MANY different ways! From adding flour, butter and even condensed milk!! Ayayayi, it really was a struggle to find a good recipe out there that did not have so many things added. 

At last! the recipe that I will be using is from the brand of the Cheese can that I use, Ricos "kings' choice spicy sausage dip" is a very simple and easy to follow recipe that needs only 8 ingredients total for the guacamole and nachos.

I will be substituting the use of sausage for beans because sausage gives me a really bad stomachache, also instead of just tomatoes and chilies, I will be including avocado, lime juice, and onions for the guacamole (making it Mexican style) and milk as a base for the cheese to prevent it from sticking to the pan. I will be using the 2% lactose free milk as I am lactose intolerant…the irony!

Starting with the guacamole, first dice 1 cup of tomatoes, 1/3 cup of green chilies (I call these chiles serranos), 1 avocado, and 1 half of an onion (set aside the other half for the beans later), then mix it all in a bowl until it all combines. Ay, just looking at it makes me hungry!!

Next the frijoles, the beans. I’m using these canned no-salt black beans from H-E-B. The only thing to do with these is putting them in a small pot with the set aside diced onion, smash and stir until they are refried.

Finally, the condensed cheese sauce!! It is ready to serve cheese, where the only step to take is to melt it with a base (either milk or water as stated in the instructions). I started by adding ¼ cup of milk to the small pot, then 4-5 cups of the can of cheese and kept stirring so as to make it as cheesy as possible. Once the consistency is goopy, pour it over the served plate of nacho chips before topping it off with the beans and guacamole!! 


While it may look like a lot, the distribution of the cheese with the beans, and the guacamole falling into just the right places feels like a mouth-watering delicacy.

The guac, sour and refreshing due to the tomatoes and lime juice, with the earthy smashed beans that are enhanced with the added onion, and the warm creamy cheese which tastes a bit salty and buttery underneath it all, is a wonderful blend that complements one another and does not cloy when eating. 

A superb experience I am definitely eating again!!

1 comment:

  1. HI Dior, this looks delicious! I love nachos too! Have you ever tried making the beans from scratch? We've made them at home but I make homemade pinto beans and then refry them for the nachos. I never thought about adding milk to the can cheese. I'll have to try that next time.
