Thursday, June 14, 2012

Battle of the Vanilla

I am choosing three different cake mixes for the taste test and they include, Pillsbury Moist Supreme Classic White, Duncan Hines Vanilla, and Betty Crocker Moist Super moist vanilla. The main reason that I chose these three different cake mixes was because; I used to do homemaking fairs with my Four H group. I still like to experiment with different brands even thought when we cooked for the fair everything has to be made from scratch. We also have a birthday coming up in the family so what better way to get ready for it than an old fashion taste testing? I am anticipating that the Pillsbury brand is going to be my favorite due to the fact that this is the brand that I am most familiar with; however the Betty Crocker brand is the most expensive of the three so there is a chance that I will pick that one just by default, you know how we humans always choose the most expensive of anything. Pre sapling the products my plan was to drink a glass of water between samples to prevent the mixes running together.  And to prevent any snap decisions, or biases made I will prepare the cakes and my mother will place them in the oven so I don’t know which one is which. After the three samples where done my mom had numbered them one through three, one visually rose really nicely in the center and tapered down to the side of the pan, two did not rise as high and was pretty flat across the pan, and three rose really good and even all the way around. When it came to tasting the samples one was fluffy and moist. Even texture throughout the bite and had a really good flavor, two was not as fluffy as one and had a flat taste to it, almost bland, and three was exquisite, even texture even more so than sample number one. After the results were in for the taste test, Pillsbury Moist Supreme Classic White was one and Betty Crocker Moist Super moist vanilla was number two and, Duncan Hines Vanilla was number three. I was a little surprised that I wasn’t partial to Pillsbury because that was the brand that I grew up with. I will be getting , Duncan Hines Vanilla again because I really thought that the overall appeal if the three in ease of baking, appearance after baking, and taste was the best choice of the three; even though it was the most expensive.  I will not be getting Betty Crocker Moist Super moist vanilla, because it did not blend evenly when I was baking, didn’t look that appealing when baked and had a flat taste. The overall winner for the taste test was Duncan Hines Vanilla hands down.

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