Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Creamy Lemon Cheesecake Pie

This last weekend, my mom decided to start going through her pile of recipes that she has collected over the years - some that she has made, and others that she had planned to try, but hasn't yet.  This was lucky for me, with this assignment right around the corner.  I pored over the piles with her, trying to find a recipe to try, and finally chose something called Creamy Lemon Cheesecake Pie.  I enjoy baking, and this pie sounded cool and delicious.  Plus, it had the words cheesecake AND pie in it.  I was eager to try it.  It was on the back of a Honey Maid graham cracker crust label that she had saved.  My mom said that her step mother Ruth used to say that any recipe on the label of a product was likely to be a good one, because companies wouldn't want to put a bad recipe on their product, since they want you to buy more of their products, not less of them.  The recipe can also be found here online: http://www.keyingredient.com/recipes/8183081/creamy-lemon-cheesecake-pie/

I set the cream cheese out in the morning before I went to work, so they would be nice and soft when I came home, to start the baking process.   I then mixed the cream cheese until it was soft, with a mixer.  After that, I added the sugar.  Then, for the lemon part, I used a grater to grate the lemon peel for the pie.  After I had accumulated a teaspoon of that, I cut the lemon in half, and using a juicer, squeezed fresh lemon juice.  I added those to the bowl, and after that, the eggs.  Then finally, the mixture was ready to put in the pie crust.  Naturally, this recipe calls for a Honey Maid graham cracker pie crust, though you could probably use other kinds.  After I poured it into the crust, I put the pie in the oven to bake for 30 minutes. 

After it was done cooking, I tested the middle to see if it was done.  I gave it 5 more minutes, and after that, it looked done, so I took it out of the oven, and let it cool for a while.  It had set and browned over the top, and basically looked like a cheesecake, in a pie crust.  Then, I put it in the fridge, and let it chill overnight. 

The next morning, I tasted the pie.  It was really good, and it was creamy, rich, and dense like cheesecake, with just a little bit of lemon flavor.  My mom tried it and said she really liked it, but that she could have gone for a little more lemon flavor, as she really likes lemon.  So if I ever make it again sometime, perhaps I might add a little more lemon.  I also asked my brother to try some and give his opinion.  His response was, "Already did.  I think it won't last very long!" 

This was a fun recipe because it was fairly easy to make, and delicious as well.  It didn't require a whole lot of work, but the finished product impressed my family, and everyone really enjoyed it.  And as my brother said, it won't be in our fridge for long!

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