Thursday, June 14, 2012

HMMM! Chocolate Chip Cookies

HMMM!Chocolate Chip Cookies
As a child, I grew up eating most foods from scratch. My mom didn’t work so she had plenty of time to cook and bake. I choose to buy most store bought foods by how they compare to homemade foods.  I learned to bake chocolate chip cookies at a young age so I have developed a love for them. I decided to perform a taste test of chocolate chip cookies in order to determine which is the best one. I chose three different brands: Keebler Chips Deluxe, Nabisco Chips Ahoy! Original, and HEB Chips Galore! Chocolate chip cookies.  I hope to determine which brand has the best taste, smell, and less crumble.
To perform the taste test, I opened each package of cookies and removed eight cookies from each one. Eight cookies were chosen because two other people will engage in the taste test with me. I placed the cookies on three different plates and placed a paper towel over the plates with the name of the cookies on the bottom of each plate. We each rotated the plates so that we could conceal their identity before trying them.  On another plate, I had three pieces of bread and some saltine crackers to be eaten after each brand of cookie. We each had a glass of water as well to rinse our mouths out after the cookies. The taste test was performed over a 30 minute time period in order to allow the palette to be clear between each different brand of cookies.
Upon looking at the cookies, the Chips Galore appeared to be the closest one to homemade and the Chips Deluxe looked less appealing.  Before revealing the identity of the cookies, I thought the most appealing one (Chips Galore) was the Chips Ahoy cookie. I guess I associated the size of the cookie with looks because the Chips Galore was the biggest. One of the testers, Derik, thought the Chips Ahoy! would taste better with the many chocolate chips in it. After trying it, he stayed with his initial thought so the homemade look didn’t fool him.  Another tester, Jarrien, thought each cookie looked equally delicious. He was more drawn to the bigger cookie but thought they would taste similar.
Of the three brands, I found Chips Galore to be the top cookie because it was softer and had less crumbs left behind. The Chips Deluxe had a flat taste but left an unusual after taste. Even though the cookies had a different taste, they all looked and smelled like chocolate chip cookies. Derik stated “Chips Galore! Has an old chocolate taste… Chips Deluxe is a hard cookie and wasn’t as soft as the other two… Chips Ahoy! Is just right, not too hard not too soft and has the right amount of chocolate chips”. Jarrien thought each cookie was very chocolaty but was more impressed with the one with more chocolate chips. He stated that “the bigger cookie was chocolaty but had a salty taste to it”.  
Overall Derik said, “I will never buy the Chips Galore! again but will buy the Chips Ahoy! again”. Although Jarrien thought there were differences in the cookies, he said he would eat either one of them if they were presented to him in the future. I don’t think I will purchase the Chips Deluxe cookies again because they have a “fake” taste to them. The chocolate chips have an indescribable taste which makes the whole cookie stale. I never noticed this before, I guess because I never really took the time to consume the cookie slowly.  The Chips Ahoy and Chips Galore will definitely be purchased again because they passed the taste test with their chocolaty taste.

1 comment:

  1. This post made me hungry for cookies, and reflected a lot of what I encounter when tasting the same brands, so I can definitely relate!But I did get a little lost with how you evaluated them. Originally, you wanted to compare them to homemade cookies, but you chose to test all store-bought cookies. Maybe some clarifaction there, would help?
