Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Potatoes Tasty To The Peel

           Choosing to bake stuffed potatoes was an odd choice for me because I hate potatoes. I live for salty french fries, creamy mashed potatoes, and crispy potato chips, but the vegetable all these foods originate from makes my taste buds go mad . The tasteless flavor and smooth texture of potato chunks tugs at my gag reflex but a few tasty ingredients in my first solo kitchen experience helped reverse my ideas.
            Since my aunt loves to cook in between spending time with her grandchildren and work, I explored her recipe collection and stumbled upon this recipe. The directions didn't make it seem like much of a challenge and since I already had a majority of the materials at my house I decided to go ahead with the recipe that would double as dinner for my mother.
My grandmother holding up the delicious mashed mix beside the potato shells.
            I followed the recipe closely and began by coating three potatoes in corn oil and poked holes in them with a fork to, as my grandmother says "let them breathe." As they baked for an hour in the oven, I mixed butter, salt, pepper, rosemary, and evaporated milk in a bowl and then set them aside. I scooped out the internal parts of the potatoes, added them to the mix, and began mashing and mixing it together. To make a smooth blend I had to jab with all my strength at the mix which wore my wrist out after a while. When all the lumps were flattened, I filled the potato skin shells with spoonfuls of mush. After they were full I sprinkled paprika along with rosemary leaves as a substitute for chives since they are surprisingly expensive. Then I let them bake for close to half an hour before my family and I sat down to try them.
           This seems silly to say but I thought my potatoes looked beautiful. As they sat on the plate they looked very much like the picture on the recipe card. A nice warm heat came off the potatoes which mixed with the crisp aroma of itchy pepper. I took one bite and braced myself for a squishy taste but instead was welcomed by a sweet, rich flavor of shortening and light herbs.The milk helped the mush have the consistency of mashed potatoes, but these tasted better. They were fluffy and the spices really accented the creamy buttery taste. My mother enjoyed it so much that she said it was unlike any other potato she had ever had and she was delighted that the potato had a strong tang of butter so no condiments were needed to add for an extra kick.
Stuffed baked potatoes also known as twice baked sprinkled with rosemary and paprika.
           This was the first food item I've ever made on my own and I was so proud that I told everyone about my accomplishment the following day. My family has asked me to make only one change to the recipe and that is for the next time to make more. Even my uncle, who isn't one to give compliments, added that the potatoes "looked straight from a restaurant's menu."  Making great food created the same high that I receive from scoring an A on an assignment. This may have been my first homemade meal but I can assure you it will not be the last time I experiment in the kitchen.

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