Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Twist From Your Regular Spaghetti

                I wanted this recipe review to go well because this is my last blog post. I went straight to my student cookbook and began to look through the pages to find a new meal that would be in a student’s price range. All the recopies looked wonderful but I wanted to try something that I enjoy to eat so after looking through the pages of the cookbook I finally narrowed my decision to make spaghetti olio e aglio. I planned on making dinner for me and my boyfriend, so I thought a classic spaghetti dinner would be a great meal to share together.
                I have made spaghetti with meatballs but never attempted a spaghetti olio e aglio. The only difference between the two is that spaghetti olio e aglio doesn’t call for meatballs or tomatoes sauce. The spaghetti olio e aglio is made with a garlic sauce that gives the dish its flavor and the recipe instructs to not let the garlic sauce to brown or it will taste bitter. I figured if the garlic sauce becomes bitter then I wouldn’t have anything to cover the pasta in, so I had to make sure my garlic sauce didn’t brown. I was curious how the spaghetti olio e aglio would taste because of how little ingredients it calls for but I am a huge fan of anything with garlic or pasta so I think this could be a new favorite for me.
                I gathered my ingredients in front of me and began chopping up pieces of garlic cloves and fresh parsley. My first step was to bring a large pan boil and add the pasta then let it cook for eight to ten minutes. For future reference don’t let the water boil to high because it will splash onto the stove top. Next I needed to heat one half cup extra virgin olive oil in a skillet. Adding the garlic and a pinch of salt to the oil, this was the important process of not letting the garlic become to brown, I was very conscious to make sure this didn’t happen. After the pasta was ready I drained it and placed it in a bowl with the olive oil and garlic cloves. I began to toss everything together to make sure the spaghetti was covered completely in oil and garlic.
                When the spaghetti was mixed well together, I added the fresh parsley leaves and added some pepper and served two plates for us to enjoy. The finished project looked wonderful, everything was done exactly the way the recipe called for and the fresh parsley gave the dish such a wonderful color. The spaghetti olio e aglio has more oil and garlic but the flavors blended very well together. I thought that as simple as a recipe as it was to make this meal it was very delicious and could be a great alternative if you don’t have any tomatoes or meatballs for regular spaghetti. If you wanted more variety you could throw in some vegetables or meal to spice it up a bit, but overall I would definitely make spaghetti olio e aglio again. 

 The spaghetti olio e aglio recipe is posted below
1lb/450g dried spaghetti
1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
3 garlic cloves, finely chopped
3 tbsp chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley
Salt and pepper
1.       Bring a large pan of lightly salted water to a boil. Add the pasta, return to a boil, and cook for 8-10 minutes or until tender but still firm to the bite.
2.       Heat the oil in a skillet. Add the garlic and a pinch of salt and cook over low heat, stirring constantly, for 3-4 minutes, or until golden brown. Do Not Let the garlic brown or it will taste bitter.
3.       Drain the pasta and transfer to a serving dish. Pour in the garlic-flavored olive oil, and then add the parsley and season to taste with salt and pepper. Toss well and serve immediately.

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