Thursday, June 23, 2022

Recipe Review: Ham and Cheese Omelet Sandwich

I am a big breakfast person. In my house, we’re the type of family that will gladly eat breakfast for dinner. Which is why I decided to try a recipe for a ham and cheese omelet sandwich. I’ve had this recipe saved away in my Pinterest ( ) and thought this would be the perfect time to give it a try.

This recipe seemed simple enough. It required ingredients such as two slices of bread, three eggs, sliced ham, and butter. As far as I could tell, the cooking tools that were absolutely needed were a whisk and a spatula.

I allowed for my pan to heat up while I got all of my ingredients together. I cracked three eggs into a bowl and whisked them up. The recipe used slices of white bread, but my family and I typically eat Essential Grain bread. This bread is notably wider compared to regular white bread, so I worried if the slices would be too big for my pan. I tried to cut down their size a bit by tearing off the crust. 

Once my pan was fully heated, I added and spread butter around the pan. I then poured the whisked eggs into the pan and added the two slices of bread into the whisked eggs.

Seconds after adding the bread, I flipped them over so that both sides could be cooked with a layer of egg.

I then let that cook for about two minutes, allowing for the eggs to cook to an omelet state. Using my spatula, I traced the edges of the omelet and then flipped it over to the other side. While the other side cooked, I added two slices of cheese, one on each bread.

It was at this moment that I realized that my ham was no longer good and that my sandwich would unfortunately have to be cooked without ham. I allowed the other side to cook for about two minutes as well. Like I had predicted, my wider slices of bread didn’t allow me to fold any side pieces of omelet, so I just folded both pieces of bread onto each other. I then moved my sandwich onto a plate and cut it in half.

The final product didn’t exactly look the way I had expected. This was definitely due to the size of my bread. If I want to use this bread again, I will probably have to use about 4 eggs to allow me to fold pieces of omelet into my sandwich. That, or using regular white bread could help me do just that. Despite this detail and the lack of ham, it still looked delicious. The warm cheese and yellow egg that encompassed the whole sandwich seemed promising.

This sandwich offered a blend of egg coated dough combined with a pop of melted cheesiness. If you love cheese, you will enjoy every bit of this sandwich. I added just a dash of salt onto my sandwich, but I think it probably would’ve been wiser to whisk the salt in with the eggs before cooking. Overall, this sandwich offered a delightfully warm breakfast that tasted of melted, mild cheddar and salted eggs.

I would definitely make this recipe again. Next time with ham! And I would like to try it instead with slices of white bread. That way the bread is small enough to where I can get the full experience of folding the omelet into the sandwich.


  1. Hi Devin, Ive seen sandwiches like this before and want to try it out one day. Im sorry that you were unable to add the ham to the sandwich. Im sure it would have been good. Do you think the addition of the ham would have drastically changed the sandwich or do you think something a different type of meat would have been good with it?

    1. I think the taste of the sandwich would've tasted differently with ham. I usually have honey smoked ham in my house, so I think it would've added this tangy sweetness to it. I think other alterative meats could've been good as well. I would definitely like to try this sandwich with bacon as well one day.

  2. Hey Devin, do you think that if you could have added anything else instead of ham like bacon or turkey and think that it would taste just as good? Or would you have preferred it being just the way you made it?

    1. I'm personally not a big turkey fan. I think if you enjoy turkey though, this would be a good substitution to ham. Other good alternatives that I feel would be good to add depending on your preference could be bacon, baloney, or spam.
