Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Recipe Review

I was tasked with finding a recipe that I had not made previously. As I was researching, I came across a recipe that piqued my interest. I love cooking and trying new recipes. I find it fun to try new combinations of food and using traditional ingredients in new and exciting ways. I chose this recipe because it incorporated ingredients that I was familiar with in different concoctions. 

My family loves Italian food, so I decided to try a variation of creamy recipes I have made in the past. The recipe itself appeared easy enough to follow so I gathered up my ingredients and was ready to dive right in. 



First off, I knew I had to double the recipe because I was feeding multiple extended family members. This meant that I needed to make sure there was enough ingredients to effectively double the recipe. - which ultimately ended up with me having to go to the store multiple times. I wanted to follow the recipe as it was written, however, I found it to be a bit bland and decided to make a few tweaks and added pepper and additional Italian seasoning to my liking. 

I cooked my chicken, bacon, and sauce each in their own pan and used an instapot to cook my pasta to speed up that part of the process. As each component was cooking, I threw a ready-made garlic bread from my local HEB in the oven and tossed a premade Caesar salad in a bowl to serve on the side. Once all my main course ingredients were done cooking, I combined the chicken and sauce in one pan. Dinner was ready to be served. 


I invited my family to join me in dinner and plated my food with a serving of pasta and put the chicken and cream sauce on top. I garnished my meal with parmesan cheese and a side of garlic bread and Caesar salad.  


Overall dinner looked appealing on the plate however in future iterations I would cut the chicken into smaller bite-size pieces than the recipe called for. The addition of the shredded parmesan cheese over the top of the dish completed the visually appealing nature of the meal. 

All in all my family gave two thumbs up to this dinner and asked that we add it to the monthly meal plans. Even my overly picky stepbrother enjoyed two servings of this meal. I found additional tweaks to increase the flavor to meet our usual palette, but some may wish to start from the recipe as is. At the end of the day, my family and I enjoyed the opportunity to sample this new recipe and will look forward to enjoying this again in the future. 


  1. Hello Gwyneth, thank you for sharing this recipe, now I'm starving. If you did this all on your own, this is very impressive and looks very delicious. In the last picture, of your plate, you can see very little of the excess of the cream on the food, did it happen to hold that creamy texture and taste?

  2. Hello Gwyneth! This recipe looks amazing, and it looks like you did a fantastic job! You said that you had to make a lot for multiple family members. Did you find that you made enough, or did you wish that you had made more? My family constantly goes back for seconds and I always like to factor that in when preparing how much food we need.
