Thursday, June 23, 2022

Recipe Review:Breakfast Sandwich

                                                  The Breakfast Miracle


When it comes to food I have a lot of things to think about cause mostly if the time I am not eating . But if I’m eating anything it would mostly be breakfast food besides the healthy food I would always eat. But while reading this assignment all I could think about is breakfast food . Well back in the day the first things I learned how to make was breakfast food especially my famous breakfast sandwiches which my mom taught me hlw to make a first I just took it on and continue to add my own little flavor to them . 

First thing I Do Clean My Pan Which I add some butter to it I let it disappear before I do anything. When it disappears I add my two sausages to the pan I let them get cooked both sides then when that finish I take them out . The next thing I do after the sausages are done is I add the egg some people use scrambled eggs but I keep mine normal as possible so I can get the good protein out of it while I add a little Tony’s on top of it .When you finish with the both of those you would add more butter till it disappears then you going to get your two buns put them on there for a little minute then you going to put your cheese on it gotta let it stick but you going to keep everything on there and every 10 minutes your going to add the next thing . Which would go from Bun to egg to cheese then the sausages then the other side of the bun with cheese and the butter.

This sandwiches brings back a lot of memories because my grandmother used to make me these types of sandwiches every morning before I used to go to school when I was a little kid . It don't taste the same because I could never get the recipe right because it was homemade but every time I try to make it I try to get the taste close as possible . But every time i make the breakfast sandwich I put my own touch to it because I know I could never get it as close as she used to have it but I want it to be similar .The appearance of the sandwich coming off of the pictures stand point it would look burnt but that just the way it looks you have to add the  syrup on top of it with the flavors touching your soul every time you bite  into it with a glass  of milk . When i made it this time around I thought it was going to be more clear but it still tasted the same which all that had mattered at the time .
If you where to make this sandwich I would advise you to take your time and don't rush it because it don't really matter how it looks all it matters is about the taste . However you cook your eggs cook it the same but add a little tonys  seasoning to it so it can have a spicy kick to the sandwich.  I would make this every day because eventually I would want to tart selling the sandwiches and figuring different type of ways to used them like I used to make a donut burger and etc. The preparation for making the sandwich is not hard at all you would need to make a trip to get breakfast food but it would be on you on how you make it and put it all together so it can taste like a famous burger that you taste in the famous restaurants one day .

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