Monday, June 27, 2022

Recipe Review: Spinach Puffs


I decided to keep it simple and make spinach puffs. I dug the recipe out of a collection of old screenshots of recipes I’d been meaning to make. I figured it would be similar to my mother’s spinach ball recipe that she cooked a lot during my childhood. The recipe seemed pretty simple, with very few ingredients.


Nothing about the recipe was particularly intimidating, and all ingredients were easy to find in my local grocery store. The recipe was like making a dozen little pies using crescent roll dough and a spinach, cheese, and onion filling in a well-greased muffin pan. Based on the simplicity, I had a lot of confidence in how they would turn out in the end.


The cooking process is straightforward, while the cream cheese and frozen chopped spinach are thawing, take the premade crescent rolls and fold them to put into the greased pans. Then mix ingredients and add salt and pepper to taste. I altered the recipe as far as changing the cream cheese and dough out for low fat alternatives.


The finished product resembles a bit size quiche, with a golden brown crust. It looks about as expected. Given its appearance and smell, I expected a warm cheesy flavor. 


The taste of the finished product is rich and creamy, with a crispy crust and a soft filling. It might have been improved by a bit more seasoning, and took slightly longer than the twenty minute maximum cooking time that the recipe called for. However, the following made the perfect amount to fill the sixteen cups the recipe said it created with no leftover or underfilled cups. I would make this recipe again, maybe experimenting with adding different cheeses like feta or a different type of or even minced garlic or bacon bits to the filling.

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