Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Chicken Primavera

Stuffed Primavera Chicken & Rice Pilaf

A while back i was searching for recipes on easy stuff to make that was healthy to eat. I was planning on making something with chicken and some vegetables as i needed to lose weight and start eating healthier. I had looked through various types of websites and i happened upon a website called Delish.com. There was a variety of foods on this website and i was very interested in some of their choices, as i had mentioned earlier i wanted a dish with chicken and vegetables so i found Stuffed Primavera Chicken. This recipe is not hard to make and takes only 40 minutes in total to make.
Lets start off with the ingredients for the chicken: (this may differ from the website as i cannot eat some items on their list.
4-6 Boneless/Skinless Chicken Breasts

1 Zuchinni green/yellow - Thinly sliced into half moons
1 Red Bellpeper - Thinly Sliced

Olive Oil

Italian Seasoning

Salt and Black Pepper

 Shredded Mozzarella

This list is pretty easy to get, now lets get to preparing it: (Preheat oven to 400 degrees)
First you have to have 4 slices in the chicken breast, and make sure not to go all the way through as you will use these slices to hold the vegetables. Once you slice the chicken, place it on a pan you can use in the oven. Next slice all the vegetables into slices where you can fit it into the chicken slices. Place 1 of each sliced vegetable into each chicken slice, so that you have zucchini and red bell pepper inside of each slice.

 After doing that, pour olive oil on all the chicken, you can put as much as you'd like, whether its a lot or very little. After that, get a pinch of salt and black pepper on each chicken, and 2 pinches of Italian seasoning on each chicken as well. Once that is done, get the Mozzarella and sprinkle as much as you'd like onto the chicken breasts. This is what the end result should look like once finished preparing it.

Throw the chicken into the oven for 25-30 minutes and let it cook fully, after it is done, this is what the dish would look like when its finished.

The rice pilaf is not made from scratch and you can use any side dish you want with the chicken! I enjoy this dish greatly, as it doesn't hurt the bank account and its very delicious and healthy for you, and it doesn't take long to prepare as well. It makes for a great dinner after a long day of either working or being at school.



  1. This recipe looks delicious, as well as fun to make, Connor! I like how you went into detail about the ingredients and the photos do help illustrate that as well. I might ask my grandparents to make this for dinner sometime, since you said that it's delicious and healthy (also that it doesn't hurt the bank account).

  2. This looks amazing I will defiantly have to try this myself.if you could chose another food to go with it as a side what would you think would be best?

  3. I’m gonna have to try this sometime for my fondness of chicken. Some brush ups I suggest would to capitalize the “I” as they’re “i”. Also I think a link of the url is needed as a reference as the website by itself is inconvenient for us readers. The sentence with place each “vegetable” in the slices should be just the zucchini and red bell pepper to make the sentence brief. The comma after “olive oil in all the chicken” should be replaced with a period. Another comma after “cook fully” should also be a period instead. “I enjoy this dish” sentence looks to be a run on sentence as it is too long and should be put as two sentences. Lastly in my opinion, I don’t see a lot of details and critical thinking put into this. It just seemed more of a summary of instructions instead. Just saying it was delicious doesn’t tell us a lot. I liked the pictures and some consistency in other areas but I’m not sure if this covers everything the professor wanted.
