Friday, July 12, 2019

Restaurant Review

Pizza Hut Restaurant Review

            For my restaurant review, my family and I went to Pizza Hut. I know it’s not the typical sit-down place, but it is somewhere my family likes to go. It is a nice place where we can sit and talk. It’s not the best pizza I have ever had but it definitely isn’t the worst. I chose this restaurant because it is close to home and a nice place that my whole family can agree on. The location we went to is the one located in Schertz.
            Pizza Hut has quite a few options when you actually take the time to look at the menu. My family isn’t very picky so we just ordered a pepperoni pizza and a side of breadsticks. One of my favorite things about the Pizza Hut we went to, is that there is a tv and it always has some sort of sporting event on. This time it was showing Sports Center. It was nice to have something to do while waiting on the pizza. The place also has a trivia game on one of the tv screens but my family did not try it. Just having the show on in the background made the wait time seem to pass faster.
            We also ordered the salad bar so we were able to have a salad while we waited for the pizza to cook. The salad wasn’t the best and you could tell it had been sitting out for a little while. After about a 20 min wait, the food came out. Sometimes the pizza is too greasy, but this one wasn’t. It had just the right amount of topping and wasn’t overcooked. It was one of the better pizzas I have had from this location. The breadsticks also were good. They were a little bland, but the marinara sauce helped. 
            The waitress we had also helped the experience. She did a good job of making sure we had everything we needed. She also wasn’t hovering and at are table constantly which I liked. She would come around and ask if we needed anything then go to another table. Having a bad serving can definitely impact your meal so it was good that she did her job correctly.
            Overall, I had a good experience. The food was decent and we all had a good time. The drive wasn’t far and the price wasn’t too much. That’s one of the reasons we enjoy this place. I know it isn’t the best, but it always seems to be consistent. The waitstaff did a good job and made the whole experience worthwhile. It is definitely a place I would go back to. I have been to some pretty bad pizza places and this one was good. 

1 comment:

  1. I thought you had a great review, overall you explained every aspect of pizza hut from the serving, the pizza, the price, and even the salad. I also liked how you went into how your past experiences with the pizza, so your review wasn't biased at all. Overall, great review.
