Thursday, July 18, 2019

Taste Test

Koy Brysch

Taste Test
Mac N Cheese Taste Test
            For my taste test I decided to try three different types of macaroni and cheese. The three different kinds are Kraft, Velveeta, and homemade. I remember watching a YouTube video a while back where some people did a test similar. I disagreed with the one they chose so I decided this would be the perfect opportunity to try it for myself. 
            To test which one I like the most I did two different tests to be fair. The first test was a visual test. Based on the three kinds, the one I feel looks the best is the Velveeta one, followed by homemade with Kraft being last. I think Velveeta looks the best because it looks like a simple bowl of mac and cheese. The shell noodles, I feel, hold the cheese and make it look like tastier. The homemade looks like the cheese is thick instead of creamy. The Kraft looks good but the noodles look a little mushy. These factors helped in my decision to put Velveeta on top for the visual portion.
The next test was the actual taste test. In order to be fair, I made all three kinds and put them on a plate. I decided the best way to do the taste test would be to taste each one blindfolded so I can’t see what it looks like. I gave each one a letter and described the taste and gave it a number on a scale of one to ten as I went. After bites I would drink water to make sure I have the taste out of my mouth for the next one.
The first one I tried, A, had a strong fake cheese taste. It wasn’t terrible, but you could tell the cheese that was used isn’t real. The whole thing together tasted like a cheaper brand. The noodles seemed soft and kind of bland. I rated it a 4 based on taste. I know it was the first taste test, but I could tell it wasn’t one of my favorites. 
The second test, B, was better than the first. The cheese was thicker and tasted better than the first. The noodles seemed to be cooked perfectly. They were soft but not too much so that they taste mushy. The cheese tasted real and not like the artificial cheese that normally comes with a box of noodles. The cheese was a bit too thick because I like mine on the creamier side, but that could be because they were sitting for a little bit. I gave these an 8.
The last test, C, was in the middle in my opinion. The cheese was creamy, but still tasted artificial. It did taste better than A, however. The noodles were a bit on the tougher side which I’m not a big fan of. It tasted fine but isn’t my favorite. Overall, I gave it a 6.

After all the taste test were over I figured out which one was which. A was Kraft, B was Homemade, and C was Velveeta. I wasn’t surprised by which was my favorite. The homemade one definitely tasted the best because the cheese was real. I don’t know if it is worth the extra time or money, but it did taste better. I would be just fine with eating Velveeta. I wasn’t really impressed with Kraft, but if you’re on a budget it isn’t that bad. Homemade is the best but Velveeta is a fine alternate option.      



  1. I Liked your review over these three different mac n cheeses, and personally i like velvetta myself and hearing that kraft was not a great go to mac n cheese was a great tip. Its always better to know that homemade is always better than boxed or premade mac n cheese, it would be interesting to learn some recipes on good mac n cheese.

  2. I liked your review on these three different products give a wide range of differences but on the eye appeal what stood out to you to rank them the way you did?

  3. I really enjoy that you not only tested them based on their flavor, but on the visual quality as well. I think that has a huge factor in how much we actually enjoy our food. Also, I like that you did multiple taste tests to make sure that you weren’t being biased. One thing that I would work on is describing the flavors more. I really want to know what fake cheese tastes like to you.
