Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Variety of Cookies

Variety of Cookies

Taste Test Review

This taste test review is a composite of information regarding three different brands of chocolate chip cookies that are easily available in any HEB or grocery store. The three brands that i will be focusing on is three of my top favorites, as i have made all of them before and share no bias towards any of them, and will compile a ranking from the taste test itself. Lets introduce our three brands that we will look at.

 The three brands that we are going to look at are the three most popular brands of cookies that are bought in stores. Among these three brands are Pillsbury, Nestle, and Betty Crocker, all of which are chocolate chip cookies. I will be talking about the differences in the cookies from price, preparation time, cooking time, and taste overall.

The first on the list is the Nestle Chocolate Chip Cookies (Left). We will go in order of how we talk about each cookie, starting with price, preparation, cooking time and taste. First is the price, with both Pillsbury and Nestle being already prepared, they were rather cheap as they went for $2.50 each at my local HEB. The Nestle cookies were really easy to prepare as they came in small cube shape chunks of dough and they didn't stick to each other, and their cook time was also rather short as it only took 12 minutes to cook these fully. However, the taste of these cookies consisted with peanut butter, which in some cases is not a bad thing. They were hard around the edges and soft in the middle.

 The next Set of cookies i made were the Pillsbury chocolate chip cookies (right) and these were the second best of the two, however i will explain the first later. First is the price of these cookies which was said earlier, $2.50. It is rather cheap to make, however, these cookies were a bit harder to get out of the package as you can see from the picture above. They were very soft, and almost felt as I had just recently mixed the dough myself, but since it was already pre-made, getting the dough to be the right size was easier. The cook time was approximately 15 minutes and the taste of these cookies was great and they were soft all around making them great to eat.

The best cookies that I had tried overall was the ones that were not pre-made and I had forgotten to take a picture of what it looked like before it was cooked. The price of these cookies were cheaper for the initial package, which was approximately $1.50, but in order to make these cookies you need 1/2 Cup of softened butter and 1 egg. That raises the price, but not by much as either people have these things at home already or the extra stuff is cheap itself. The preparation time is much longer from the other two cookies because we have to mix the ingredients together and then attempt to scoop them out of your mixing bowl with a spoon or a type of scoop. The cook time for these cookies was shorter than the others as it took only 10 minutes to cook, but it also took longer for the cool down on the as they had more of a rise than the other two. The taste for these cookies was way better than those of the pre-packaged cookies, and softer as well. I would have to rank these cookies the best out of the three and it does show to have paid a little more and prepared your own cookies.
 Ranking in order from top to bottom: Betty Crocker (Top Left); Pillsbury (Right); Nestle (Bottom Left)


  1. These all look delicious, Connor! I haven't heard of oatmeal chocolate chips as a flavor for cookies before, but thanks to this post, I'm glad I learned something new. I like that you described the price of the cookie brands and which one was cheaper to make. I wonder why the Nestle cookies tasted like peanut butter. Perhaps there might've been a mistake in the baking or there wasn't enough chocolate chips to give it more of a chocolate-y flavor? That said, I'm seriously considering asking my grandparents to bake one of these sometime. I might try the Betty Crocker version first.

  2. I enjoyed your review because I'm a big fan of cookies so I was interested to see the results. I think you did great in your review, you went in depth about how easy it was to prepare them and pricing. You went past just the taste of the cookies and it made your comparison overall better.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. It was interesting just seeing the difference in the cookies just by looking at the pictures. It seems that every food a person makes themselves tastes better than store bought stuff. Growing up my family always used the Nestle so hearing that the Betty Crocker one is the best makes me want to try them instead. I also think you did a good job describing the process and what you had to do for each cookie. It makes it easy to know what to expect if someone tries to make these again.
