Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Stuffed Green Bell Pepper Recipe Review

I was pretty stumped when it came to trying a new recipe (because of course I "have already tried everything in my cookbooks") - which is a lie. I came across a recipe that was listed as a quick and easy stuffed pepper recipe. I have not have stuffed bell peppers since I was a kid, and I did not care for them that much so I was more than willing to try them again and see if I would like it at all. And to my surprise, I am still eating leftovers 2 days after I originally made them!

I found the recipe on allrecipes.com when I was looking for something that was quick, easy, gluten-free, and low-calorie. Sometimes, it is hard to eat within my diet, which is why I stick to a lot of cooked greens, and salads. Venturing out seems to be such a chore at times, but to be able to make these bell peppers for roughly $20 total, and within the diet, I was all for it!

The recipe was extremely simple to follow and not something that I had to keep looking at to make sure that I got correct. I really enjoyed the fact that I did not have to keep reading it over and over to hopefully understand how I was supposed to make the peppers - which is one of my biggest pet peeves about cooking off of recipes. The only think that I though was slightly misleading is that the recipe was listed as "quick," but the preparation time was 20 minutes and the bake time was 1 hour. Additionally, the recipe said to baste the peppers every 15 minutes for an hour.To me, this does not quite qualify as a "quick" recipe. 

Other than the slight mislead of the total time it took to make the peppers from start to finish, I thought that they peppers were fantastic. I was worried that they would come out mushy (which is what I never liked about stuffed peppers when I was a kid), but they were actually a little bit crunchy with a snap to them when you first bit in. Also, the stuffing, which was a combination of ground meat, rice, and tomato sauce tasted fantastic. To me, it resembled a meatloaf that was smashed into a bell pepper. The other thing that I thought was amazing was the fact that the stuffing took on the flavor of the bell peppers when cooking, so even if someone didn't like the texture of the bell pepper, but enjoyed the flavor, they could get the flavor without eating the actual pepper.

To find this recipe, click on the link below!


  1. This recipe does sound tasty, Brittney! I can see why you chose it for this assignment. The only thing I suggest adding, if you have the time, is to add photos to the post so we can see how it looks before it's cooked (ingredients) and after. This is just a suggestion, so you don't have to follow it. Besides that, good job with the details as well.

    1. I wish I could have added the photos! I had some that I spent a lot of time setting up and taking, but my internet went down, so I had to type the post from my phone and Blogger doesn't allow for photos to be uploaded from a phone (or at least I couldn't figure it out). I even had a pretty funny bell pepper joke as a photo that I wanted to use!

  2. Nice! Some mistakes I’ve spotted were some typos or wrong words used. First off, I didn’t think the commas after “cooked greens” and “20$ total”. Also “i thought that they peppers” has “they” when should be “the”. Lastly, “the only think I though” should be corrected as “the only thing I thought”. I nearly forgot, the last sentence seemed to be a very long run on and could have been shortened. Other than that, a good read. If I may ask though, what does it mean to “baste”? Did you mean “taste”? Or is it a preparation method unknown to me?

    1. How it was explained to me is that to "baste" food is to "paint" it with a sauce.

  3. Great post Brittney. I really liked how you explained how it wasn't very "quick" like the recipe said it was. A lot of recipes online will say things like super quick or not time consuming, so I appreciate how you explained how long each stage took. I enjoyed your blog post very much, great job.
