Thursday, July 16, 2015

Chocolate Cookie

Taste Test


I initially wanted to test gummy worms, but I couldn’t find three different brands. It was an extremely sad day so I had to take my sugar crazed needs elsewhere. Everyone should be familiar with the greatest cookie ever made… the Oreo. This cookie is composed of two chocolate flavored cookie crisps that are then filled with a sweet vanilla cream. I am a huge fan of chocolate and the “Oreo” seemed to fit nicely into what my taste buds needed. I want to test the different brands to see how much of a difference they have in taste. Hopefully they are not too different because that would be unfortunate. 

I picked up some homekist sandwich cookies or “Oreo”, some great value twist&shout chocolate sandwich cookies, also an “Oreo”, and finally I picked up some Nabisco Oreo cookies. They all resemble an Oreo cookie, but have some obvious differences right off the bat. The design on each one was very different and I do not think I would of ever noticed the difference if it weren’t for this assignment. I like the designs because when I looked closer they had some fine detail. They were very small, but precise lines in the designs for each cookie.

The first test I wanted to try was the simple taste test. Just eat one cookie from each brand and see the taste difference. The Nabisco Oreo cookie tasted like any other cookie. It had a good balance of chocolate cookie to vanilla cream. It tested like a cookie that I would want more of. The next cookie from great value was not as good as I was hoping. The taste of the chocolate was too much and it reminded me of super chocolaty chocolate milk. The cream filling was okay, but it came nowhere close to compensating for the lousy cookie itself. The great value cookie also left a bad after taste in my mouth that was not easy to remove. I had to wait a little while before tasting the homekist cookies. These cookies were GREAT. No, I’m actually kidding because they were the worst cookie I had ever tasted. The outside of the cookie was like a powder when I took a bite. It had no taste at all, which was really nasty because the cream had an over powering taste. Homekist is not a good brand if you are going for a good Oreo cookie.

I also wanted to test how the Oreo handled itself in milk. The Oreo is “milks favorite cookie”, so why not test it out with milk. The Nabisco Oreo stood its ground when held under milk for about 10 seconds. After testing it, it was extremely delicious and no issues surfaced. The next brand, great value, was okay when dunked under water. I felt it got a little soggier than the other brand of cookie, and that wasn’t what I was looking for in an Oreo. It, honestly, tasted better with milk than without it. I think it was better because it already tasted like chocolate milk, and adding this cookie to milk only boosted its nesquik taste. The last cookie did not pass the test. The cookie is so flaky, powdery, and does not seem to be held together well. It fell into my glass of milk, and after that incident I failed homekist sandwich cookies from passing the milk test.

I enjoyed this blog because I had fun testing these cookies. The only good Oreo was from the Nabisco brand, but if I was low on money I would still buy the great value brand. Homekist was the worst brand of cookie I had ever tested. I do not mean to be so harsh, but this cookie was not a good tasting cookie. I do not recommend this brand to anyone who likes the original “Oreo”.


  1. You did a good job of describing the texture of the cookies. Can you describe the taste of the cream in more detail?

  2. I like that you did a taste test and a milk test. That's important stuff when dealing with cookies. What were you looking for, exactly in the taste though? Like, what would have made it good to you? Did you want them to be really sweet because that's what I think of when I think of Oreos. Did you open them all up and lick the cream from the inside? To me, that's the best part. I would suggest running through and checking some grammatical things on this, and maybe make the font a little bigger. Blind guys like me struggle with those little words.

  3. Before you tested was the Nabisco the one that you foresaw as being the best. I too have tried the homekist cookies and I wouldn't recommend them either. I think that for me i would have been biased going into the cooking tasting. What was the aftertaste from the great value like? I think that comparing them with the milk experience was a great idea and that it really makes a difference.

  4. I like Kaitlin would have been biased going into this test being that Oreos are an all time favorite. The milk test was great but I don't understand the holding the cookie underwater part. That sounded like a fun taste test.

  5. I feel like including the original oreo is a little unfair- I think comparing three different brands of clone cookies might have made more sense. Between being very biased towards the original taste and comparing two kinds of cookie that are trying to be an oreo to the actual oreo, it kind of seems like the other two brands were set up for failure here. Also, the last two sentences of the first paragraph, where you shift into present tense, are a little off-putting. I do think doing the milk test was really smart and there's a lot of detail in here, which is helpful.

  6. How did the homekist brand compare to the value brand in price? Were there other brands of Oreo cookies? I agree with Hailey that it would have been more fair to compare three different mock brands than including the original Oreo cookie which we all know is great. It might have made it interesting to do a blind taste test as well to eliminate any bias. You could crunch up the cookies so you couldn't see the different patterns. I think you did a good job describing the cookies though!
