Friday, July 10, 2015

Everything's Bigger in Texas- Especially the Burgers! Billy Bob's Burgers- Castroville, TX

They say that everything is bigger in Texas, and I can promise you that judging from recent vacation, they are right.  Last Monday, my family, a few friends, and I set off to spend a week in Concan floating the Frio, (something every true Texan simply must do).  Now, when I say a few friends, you have to remember that I'm speaking fluent Texan, and that "few" actually translates in to a group of 26 ranging in age from over 50 to under seven. 

Along the way, we made a stop in Castroville to visit Billy Bob's Hamburgers.  The tin-sided, warehouse-like building is actually the last building when leaving the town, with a big sign out front that looks more like it belongs in front of convenient store than an eating establishment, making it hard to miss.  Little town...convenient store sign...tin siding on the building...and Billy Bob in the name?  This seems like a recipe for a great meal to me.

While the outside of the building seemed quite small, one we walked in, it was actually quite large with plenty of room and a very Texan-themed décor.  Wood, wood, everywhere wood- from the floors to the walls to the tables, and on every wall, aside from the there were photos depicting various components of Texas life like prairies, trucks, and of course football, all of which were complimented by the sprays of flowers spread throughout which included bluebonnets. (What else?)

While the décor made it seem that I had entered a very Texas-like atmosphere (Texas equals friendly, right?), the employees behind the counter did not necessarily seem excited to be there.  Although, if I had seen a group the size of ours walk in, I may not have felt to friendly myself.  Regardless, they worked us through the line as quickly as they could and our wait was not bad at all.

There were no individual menus at Billy Bob's.  Instead, the food choices were on the wall in front of me as soon as I walked in, and orders were taken right at the counter.  I will say, when you walk in to a burger joint and see that one of the choices is the "Giant Heart Attack", you know you're in the right place.  Other menu items included chicken strips, grilled-cheese, and of course about five different types of beer on tap, but after narrowing my choices down to the 3'4 Pound Burger and the Swiss and Mushroom Burger, I went with the 3'4, and it was one of the best burgers I've had in a while.  Honestly, every bite was like Chuck Norris and Jesus were having a wrestling match in my mouth, and that's pretty awesome.

Biting in to that burger brought an explosion of flavor to my taste buds that was incredible.  The jalapenos were hot, but not overpowering, and the flavors of the cheese, the crisp, fresh pickles, and thick mayo added a perfect amount of pop to the meal.  The patty was thick and juicy, but not greasy, so the buns didn't fall apart every time I picked the burger up. Also, it was a big burger, so the fact that managed to make a patty with consistency like that AND flavor was pretty impressive.  It was so well made and delicious, that I almost didn't notice that the fries were lacking salt, and I can forgive the fact that the bite of chicken strip I got from my friend John's plate was scalding hot.

Overall, when looking for a great burger, Billy Bob's certainly will deliver.  What it may lack in some areas will quickly be forgotten once you take that first, delicious bite.  They handled our big group as good as could be expected, and helped us start our trip off on the right foot.


  1. That hamburger sounds delicious! The Swiss Mushroom Burger sounds really good, too. What was on The Giant Heart Attack? Did John like his chicken strips?

    1. The Giant Heart Attack was a huge bacon burger. If I had been hungrier, I would've gone for it. My mom and John both had the chicken strips, and they loved them.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This place sounds like my kind of place lol. I had never heard of it before but I would definitely go and try this place if I'm ever out that way! I like that you added humor to you post, it was very entertaining but at the same time you were able to make it about the food. Was the fact that the menu was on the wall distracting or did it add to your experience?

  4. The menu on the wall didn't bother me. It was just a little hard because we had such a big group in front of it. It was probably actually a little easier than us all sitting down though and having some poor waitress trying to keep up with us all together. It was kind of like going through a drive-thru, only inside.

  5. I really like your personality and humor in this post! One minor suggestion: in the first sentence, instead of saying "they say everything's bigger in Texas" and "they are right" you may want to use your Texan authority to just go ahead and say it's right rather than including an ambiguous "they." You do this really well throughout the rest of your post. I'd also like to know a little more about how such a big group of people were served and taken care of by the staff. Good job!

  6. As Abigail stated, I'd like to know more about how the place handled such a large group. Other than that, you have a very enjoyable writing style. Was there any other meal/burger that stood out or was exceptional to anyone else that ate with you?

  7. I enjoyed your post and language you used was funny and makes the food sound great. I would have liked to see the pictures possibly a little bigger to show more detail. Pictures of the inside would be good too. The next time I go the Frio I will be sure to visit.
