Tuesday, July 28, 2015


I wanted to try something new for this specific assignment. My girlfriend and her family enjoy the traditional Mexican styled dishes, which is a benefit to me. They suggested I try “Migas” because they said it was a great dish for any meal. Migas is an old dish from a Spanish and Portuguese background that is served for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It makes sense that Migas means crumbs in english because the main ingredient to this dish is the cut up tortilla or bread crumbs. I decided to give this recipe a try, but i wanted to add some Texas to it. There are many Tex-Mex recipes for Migas, but the only difference from the original would have to be the addition of the jalapeño. Other than that the dish remains the same.

Here are the ingrediants!

4 whole Corn Tortillas

1 whole Jalapeno, Seeds And Membranes Removed, Finely Diced

4 whole Plum Tomatoes, Roughly Chopped

1 whole Green Pepper, Roughly Chopped

1 whole Red Bell Pepper, Roughly Chopped

1 whole Medium Onion, Chopped

5 whole Large Eggs

1 cup Cheddar Cheese

1 Tablespoon Butter

1 Tablespoon Vegetable Oil

1/4 cup Half-and-half
This was definitely not something I usually eat because I do not mix my entire breakfast all in one. This dish combined cut up corn tortillas, peppers, tomatoes, jalapeños, onions, and eggs. I make omletes with peppers and tomatoes, but I’ve never cooked my tortilla into my eggs. It seemed interesting enough to try it. It was a little odd to me because I didn’t know how long to cook the tortilla for in order to actually make this recipe good. Although, it is different from what I’m used to, it also looks really good. Im ready to take on this challenge of the Migas.

I gathered all my ingredients to my cooking station and started to cook my butt off. First, I had to dice the tomatoes and jalapeños because the peppers and onions were already diced when i bought them. DO NOT TOUCH your face after handling cut jalapeños. I, forgetting I was cutting them, touched my nose and immediately felt the heat. After I ran my nose under water i began to beat my eggs and add the half and half. For this step you don’t have to use half and half, you can use regular milk or none at all. I know some people
are lactose intolerant. Next, I prepared the stove to cook my tortillas. I pour a fair amount of oil into the pan to start getting hot. After it reaches a good enough temperature I begin to cook my tortillas, not too much and not too less. It has to be the perfect amount because you cook them again with the eggs. Now that they are lightly cooked its time to cut them into small pieces. I decided to cut them into some pizza slices because that seemed to be more convenient. At this point I’m feeling very confident with my dish. I have everything laid out ready to go. Now, its time to cook the chopped vegetables by starting with the peppers and onions first. After 5 minutes I added the jalapeños and following shortly, I added the tomatoes. Everything is cooking really well in the pan and its time for the tortillas and eggs. At first i didn’t think it was going to turn out good because my vegetables were starting to burn and my eggs were not cooking as fast as I thought. Make sure that this step is done at low heat so you don’t burn your veggies. My Migas was finally finished 25 minutes later. They actually look really good. I was really happy with the outcome.
My Migas looked pretty good and i was worried that I burnt it. It looks just like the pictures online too, which is a great thing, especially since this was my first time making this dish. I was nervous to try it even though it looked great so I made my roommates try it. They were actually impressed with my dish, and said it tasted really good. At this point I’m feeling like a master chef…. Not really. I served myself a plate of the Migas and dove right in. It was so good. It was really good. I think it had the perfect amount of everything mixed together and i would make this again. It is something that should be tried. i was extremely good.



  1. Overall i think that you did a great job on writing your post, however you may want to make the font bigger,it is a little hard to read. Also on the last sentence was it supposed to be "It" instead of I? The dish looks very colorful and looks well worth the amount of cook time. Also, you may want to consider talking about what the final product tasted like. How did your roommates describe it? What was it that they liked the best about it?
    Other than that you did a really great job of describing your experience!

  2. You described the steps in the cooking process really well! Can you describe what the tortillas look like when they are cooked "not too much and not too less?" You also changed tenses in the middle of the preparation section, which was a little confusing ("Next, I prepared...I pour"), but other than that, your post was good.

  3. That looks good. Good job explaining what you did and giving suggestions, (don't touch your eyes; don't have to use milk; make sure to use low heat). Those things are helpful for someone like me that doesn't cook a lot. What exactly did it taste like? Like, what flavors were the strongest? It looks like it made a lot on just the one plate, and your roommates ate, too. How much did it make? Looks like you sprinkled on top before you ate it, too right? Cheese makes everything good.

  4. I love migas! Looks like this turned out really well. The post feels a little on the long side, and I agree that the font is hard to read. You also might want to check back over for grammar (like Audra said, there's some shifting between tenses that's confusing, and some slips like "i" and "Im"), and I could be wrong, but I don't think migas needs to be capitalized. Really liked the inclusion of the background of migas.

  5. I like that you described what migas was at the beginning. Your pictures look outstanding. There is an awkward blank space by the ingredients that interrupts the post. Good job posting the ingredients this makes it easy to get what you need. Good job.

  6. This sounds something I'll be trying soon! Of course with jalapenos though. I believe the post only feels weird because the paragraphs are so close together. Spacing them out allows the reader to believe they are reading wordy chunks as opposed to a really long page. I agree the font is "thin" and too small. If you made the font size of the ingredients much smaller and make change it to single spacing, this fix should be easy. Other than the grammar and formatting issues, this was a great post!

  7. I think your second paragraph would make more sense before the list of ingredients since it's still an introduction to your essay. After the ingredients would be a good time to jump into the directional part of the post. When you said you were worried that you burnt them, did you? Or are you saying you thought you might to begin with but you didn't? Your final results looks great! Good job!

  8. Very interesting post! I had never heard of Migas before so I was pretty excited to read about your experience with preparing them, and your blog post provided just that. It was very personalized which I really enjoyed and by that I mean you did great at sharing your own experiences through the process such as burning your nose and cooking the veggies and eggs at too high of a temperature. Sharing your mistakes and ways to avoid making those same mistakes was very helpful. Your sentence that said “my migas looked pretty good and I was worried that I burnt it” could use some revision. It may sound better if you say something like “though I was worried I overcooked the migas, they actually turned out great.” Also, in the same paragraph you said “it was so good” fallowed by the sentence “it was really good.” This was probably something you accidently read over but it is pretty redundant. Other than that the meal looks great and the fact that you incorporate your personality so well in your writing really helps me to appreciate it that much more as a reader.

  9. Very interesting post! I had never heard of Migas before so I was pretty excited to read about your experience with preparing them, and your blog post provided just that. It was very personalized which I really enjoyed and by that I mean you did great at sharing your own experiences through the process such as burning your nose and cooking the veggies and eggs at too high of a temperature. Sharing your mistakes and ways to avoid making those same mistakes was very helpful. Your sentence that said “my migas looked pretty good and I was worried that I burnt it” could use some revision. It may sound better if you say something like “though I was worried I overcooked the migas, they actually turned out great.” Also, in the same paragraph you said “it was so good” fallowed by the sentence “it was really good.” This was probably something you accidently read over but it is pretty redundant. Other than that the meal looks great and the fact that you incorporate your personality so well in your writing really helps me to appreciate it that much more as a reader.
