Thursday, July 16, 2015

Who's "Butter" than the rest?

Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night with a raging hunger that just won't quit? Well, it happens to me all too often. It's nothing for me to raid the pantry and knock out half of a peanut butter jar with nothing but a tablespoon at the ready. Peanut butter is creamy, delicious, and tastes great on a PB&J. The more popular brands such as Jif and Spiffy, however, contain hydrogenated oils, "the trans fat-laden ingredient that makes classic peanut butter so silky smooth. Well, that doesn't sound healthy!

So you think, I'll go natural! Well using the label "natural" is not actually regulated and as far as natural peanut butter goes, it just means that this "natural" peanut butter contains fully hydrogenated oils instead of partially hydrogenated oils. In addition to that, to make up for the lack of creaminess, these companies instead add palm oil to these natural peanut butters, while the nutritional label is almost identical to the label on a jar of classic peanut butter.This is all too much. Where can I get a good, clean, plain old peanut butter, not pay an "arm and a leg" and still get that good old-timey peanut buttery flavor that is rich, sweet but salty and thick yet creamy and easy to spread?

That's right. You go organic. I know you're thinking the peanut butter might be green, but it looks completely normal! Unlike that of the "natural" label you so often see branded on foods, the "organic" label has legal implications. There is a governing body called the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) that grants certificates to companies that adhere to stringent standards. These companies must produce, manufacture and handle food items as legally defined by the USDA in order to receive the "seal of approval." Even WebMD thinks that peanut butter made from just organic peanuts and salt is better than conventional peanut butter with added hydrogenated oils and sugar.

Well, I'm a broke college student but I also want the best. I show preferential treatment to popular brands or sometimes even what looks less generic or more expensive. It's silly, but I do it! So, I adopted a blind taste test as seen here. I also decided on testing Creamy/Smooth Peanut Butter as this is my favorite. I'm hopeful and positive I'll find a good alternative. Let's get to it.

Meet the contenders

In the left corner we have: Nut' N
Better Organic Creamy Peanut Butter,  18 OZ,
$4.15 from HEB

In the middle we have: MaraNatha Organic No Stir Creamy Peanut Butter,  16 OZ, 5.99 from The Fresh Market

In the right corner we have: HEB Organics Smooth Peanut Butter 
No Stir, 18 OZ, $4.98 from HEB

I had my sister set up a blind taste test table in
which only she knew which sample belonged to
which brand.

My mom, my dad and I all tasted each sample.
To cleanse our palate so that the taste of one sample did not affect another, we ate water table crackers in between each taste test. 

We then ranked each sample from greatest to least favorite and tallied the results.
1st: The Nut'N Better was "dry" and "sticky" but had an "authentic roasted peanut butter flavor with a sweet but salty savory flavor that reminded one of the good old days."
2nd: The MaraNatha was "creamy and moist" but a tad but "runny." 3/3 questioned whether it was "actually made from peanuts. It taste like almonds and milk." "Doesn't look good!"
 3rd: The HEB Organics "made someone feel ill." It was "overly dry" and "so sticky I couldn't speak." "It was only salty, no hint of sweetness." "I don't like this one bit."

All in all: I think I'll stick with my good ol' partially hydrogenated oil-laden Jif peanut butter for no more than three bucks. I have been conditioned to enjoy that sweet, creamy, non-stick, dry roasted peanut butter taste I get from the more commercial brands. The organic brands just did not measure up. If you don't mind spending a few extra bucks for some good, creamy, and healthy peanut butter, there is "Nut'n Better" right at HEB for $4.15.


  1. Your title is really creative, and your use of links was extremely effective! It was also wonderful that you used a separate section for the results. The second paragraph was a little confusing because some of the sentences were a little too long and contained too many ideas. Can you find other words for "woken" and "adopted?" Other than that, I think that your post covered everything that it needed to cover.

    1. I will watch for word choice and overall length during editing. Thanks!

  2. This was a really good post- I loved the info and the sourcing! I am a little confused about palm oil, though- is it not any better than the hydrogenated oils? I appreciate that you went to more than one store, too. I was wondering why these three; I'd be interested to see if a more recognizable brand (like Earth Balance or Smucker's Organic or something) could change your mind!

    1. Great questions! Palm oil is loaded with saturated fat (one of the least healthy dietary fats associated with all sorts of health risks). During prior research, I discovered that many "Organic People" did not like Smuckers Organic and described it as tasting "burnt". I steered clear of that one. I saw a lot of good reviews for MaraNatha so I looked for that one. The rest were, what's accessible at a "normal" grocery store? That's how I chose the other two. I'm sure with trial and error I would come across a favorable brand! I have actually liked a peanut butter I made from Whole Foods by grinding the peanuts myself.

  3. I like the way that you used the boxing metaphor, and I also liked the system that you used to come up with your results. What do you mean when you said it "reminded one of the good old days"? I think you could explain the quotes you used in the results a little more to make it more clear. I also really like the way that you were looking a the health side of the food. You have a funny voice and use language very well to add to that. Good job!

    1. Good question! "Good ok" days refers to the first commercialized jars of peanut butter my parents grew up on. The unhealthiest ones that are the most bought now (mentioned in the first few paragraphs). The quotes were a compilation of things said by all tasters. 'll definitely make that more clear, thanks!

  4. I think that you did a great job on adding humor into your blog, it made your post very entertaining! I think that i too would like the Nut'N Better if i was to try the organic peanut butter because I think that I would really like the fact that it has a strong peanut flavor. (personally, I have been spoiled to the PeterPan brand because my brother would never eat any other brand growing up) I really like how you quoted what your responses were for each brand.

    1. I definitely grew up on PeterPan too! We switched to Jif I believe in 10' after PeterPan had all those recalls. Thanks!

  5. I liked your post. Have you ever tried the peanut butter that you grind the actual peanuts from the HEB on 337/46. Also how did someone become ill? That can mean many things. Thanks for your post. It had good info and nice pics.

    1. I have tried it, from Whole Foods and a Fresh Foods Market and I loved each experience! Probably the best peanut butter I've ever had both times. I trust few markets when it concerns things such as assorted peanuts however, so I tried to look for things I could buy while, for example, at TLU. What I meant by the ill line was that it made her feel nauseous after tasting it, I'll make that more clear. Thanks!

  6. Blake, I think this is a great post! I love how you balanced really helpful and interesting info about peanut butter with an enjoyable dose of personality. I think your "Meet the Contenders" section is really creative as well! The only suggestion I have is to polish up the ending a bit. There are some grammar issues there. If you're worried about word count you might be able to trim down your beginning so you have more room to focus on the actual taste test a bit more. I'd also be curious to hear more about how exactly you think the Nut'n Better brand compares to Jif. Did you determine that you have to sacrifice taste and texture for health? Or is your preference to Jif just biased?

    1. I did catch some grammar issues immediately after posting and I definitely have some trimming to do! I was so concerned with facts I forgot about my word limit (lol). Though not included, I actually did compare the taste of Nut'n Butter Organic to Jif Natural and found that Jif Natural has a comparable taste to regular Jif. As far as taste goes, I'd prefer JIff Natural despite it having additives. I do have to admit that after trying organic, I appreciate the simple peanut and salt recipe. On a pb&j your sweetener will come from your jam (whole dietary content is a whole other issue). If I can get past my sweet tooth, going natural or organic seems like a logical and even easy choice.
