Friday, July 10, 2015

The Texas Power Plant Grill at a Glance

As I began to debate on where I should go to eat that would provide me with substantial material to write about in my very first blog, I knew that I should put some serious thought into this. I wanted to go somewhere that stands out in some way, has good food, and is fairly popular in the Seguin community. This, in turn, led me to dining with a friend of mine at The Texas Power Plant Grill, over by the Guadalupe River.
First impression, not as expected. As I was driving down the road, I found myself in a pickle debating to myself if I should either slam on my breaks or turn around up the road. This was a result of their sign extending just higher than the plant that is in front of it. When I made it into the entrance I noticed the parking spaces were a distance of around 50 or so feet from the restaurant itself. The distance was not a big deal to me, however it was a little bit difficult to figure out which walkway led to the actual front.

Putting the negative first impression aside, I went into the actual restaurant with a very open mind as I know that the entrance and the location is not everything that makes a business. When approaching the front of the restaurant, you have a breathtaking view of the dam that the restaurant was built next to. My buddy and I decided to sit outdoors to enjoy the weather and beautiful view. Immediately I could tell that this place had serious potential.

Our waitress was very nice, however was not very helpful in terms of questions about the menu and the historical location in itself. Being a waiter myself, I can’t help but notice small details like that however I always try to give them the benefit of the doubt as I know that it is not an easy job. I ended up ordering the chips and queso as an appetizer and the chicken parmigiana as my entre. My friend ordered one of their burgers in which was oozing with a lot of cheddar and very juicy in texture. And of course, I personally wouldn’t want a burger any other way.
They did an excellent job on the queso as it was very simple, yet quite flavorful. I also liked the fact that it was an appetizer that did not take away the anticipated hunger when you order an entre as well. When the chicken parmigiana arrived, it was hot and came out right on time after we were finished with our appetizer. I was disappointed to see that the chicken was pretty thick. One of the most important aspects of chicken parmigiana is to create a succulent balance between all of the flavors of chicken, the breading, cheese melted on top, and smothered in homemade marinara. Unfortunately there was so much sauce that the breading was a bit soggy. I did however, enjoy the marinara. It was well seasoned, the consistency was on point, and it went excellent with the al dente cooked spaghetti. Overall the prices were fair however I would probably order a different entre next time if you take Italian food as serious as I do.

Though I took a very critical approach to my review of the restaurant, my visit to The Texas Power Plant Grill was cumulatively successful. They recently added a tubing area which is a great idea to maximize profit and bring people in. As a business major myself, I see the potential that the place has to offer and will look forward to seeing what else they do in the future.


  1. I've eaten here once before, and I also really liked the chips and queso. I don't remember because it's been a while since I've eaten there, but doesn't the queso have tomatoes and other vegetables in it? Was there anything about your friend's burger that differentiated it from other juicy burgers that you've tasted?

  2. I have been here once before as well and the visit was similar to yours. I was confused at first about the entrance to because it isn't clearly defined and it doesn't help when you are walking from the side parking lot. The food when I visited was okay but i had ordered the fried fish and I was a tad disappointed that they didn't seem to have seasoning on them at all. The burgers there are huge and delicious though, my boyfriend had ordered one so I was able to try it. How are they planning on incorporating the tubing area? I didn't know that they could do that, but it would be awesome!

  3. I'm glad I'm reading these and finding some nearby places I can try out. What was the inside of this place like? What other kinds of food do they have besides what you and your friend ordered?

  4. I've been wondering about Power Plant for a while and keep hearing mixed reviews. It definitely is beautiful, though! You mentioned that the prices were fair- what do you mean by that? What's the price range like? Was it good enough that you plan on going back soon, or will you give it a while?

  5. I have been to this restaurant as well. I remember when I went I thought the inside of the restaurant was cool and unique. I'd suggest describing the atmosphere and look of the restaurant from the inside a bit more. I liked the thought you put into this!

  6. Your first picture is beautiful! I also like how you have multiple views of your meal. I have been here once before and my visit was very similar to yours. An awkward entrance and an otherwise uninformed waiter. Luckily, someone in my company had some enlightening information. I especially appreciated your personal insight from a business major as well as a seemingly expert opinion on the chicken parmigiana. Though critical, your personal input validated your criticism. Could you maybe include more details about what was on the menu? I thoroughly enjoyed your post!

  7. I liked that you had commented on the location extensively. This is important but does not make or break the place like you said. A picture of the burger I think would have helped and possibly a description of what he thought about it. Good job
