Thursday, July 24, 2014

A New Type of Spaghetti

          The first time I went to the grocery store and bout spaghetti squash, I didn’t even know what it was. I just thought it was a regular squash but bigger. I tried it for the first time about a week ago and I loved it! It is taste just like a regular squash but in a spaghetti form. A lot of people have talked about how they started to buy the squash and substitute it instead of the pasta in their spaghetti. It sounded like a healthier choice so I thought why not give it a try.
            How I cooked the spaghetti squash was from a recipe that my friend had been using to cook his. I started out by washing the spaghetti squash real good. The spaghetti squash had a rubbery texted just as the regular squash does. Then I cut it in two half’s right down the middle, then I placed the two half’s on a cookie sheet with the skin side touching the cookie sheet. It was really easy to cut unlike some other vegetables that I have cooked. Also the inside of the spaghetti squash didn’t look much different in the inside then the regular squash besides that the middle was hallow. I then took some Bertolli extra virgin olive oil and rubbed the squash down. I then added pepper and garlic sea salt all over. I flipped the squash over to where the skin was now facing up and put it in the oven at 450 degrees for 40 minutes. After its done cooking remove it out of the oven and flip squash over again. Take a fork and start scrapping the sides of the squash and then you will start to see where it gets the spaghetti squash name. The squash looks exactly like thin noodles, and also taste just as good.
            Now for the best part, adding the spaghetti meat sauce. I start off by browning some ground turkey meat, adding a little fresh garlic and chopped onions to the meat. After the meat has cooked and simmered with the onions and garlic, I begin to add two cans on tomato sauce and one can of tomato paste. Sometimes I will added a spaghetti-seasoning packet or just season it sauce with different herbs and spices. This time I just used a spaghetti-seasoning packet. After all that has simmered together for about 10 minutes I pour it over the spaghetti squash and it’s ready to eat.

            I would defiantly recommend for someone who has never eaten or heard of spaghetti squash to give it a try. Not only was it delicious but a healthier choice instead of using some kind of pasta. I honestly didn’t think I would like it at fist because I am a texted person and different types of texture freak me out. But the spaghetti squash with the meat sauce was amazing. It did have a different texture than noodles but it wasn’t a bad texture. I will for sure use spaghetti squash again instead of pasta for my spaghetti.


  1. Very interesting. I have never tried it! I am not a fan of squash though, would you say that you can taste the squash flavor or is it more like actual spaghetti? I love finding healthy alternatives so this is a definite possibility as long as it isn't too much like actual squash! Also - do you buy it in the produce section or is it already packaged like spaghetti? Overall, nice job!

  2. I love squash spaghetti! Normally though, I make ravioli with squash and turkey meat and it taste amazing. You can't even taste the squash! I loved how you did this. Have you ever tried just a can of marinara sauce? I think I might actually use your recipe for the spaghetti because I always make it way more complicated than it has to be and your way of doing it was fairly easy, I thought! Nice work!

  3. I have tried spaghetti squash, but I found that it was a bit too different. The texture bothered me (I like al dente pasta, and this was similar to overcooked pasta). I would be careful with the grammar and spelling here. Some careful attention to this will prevent confusing your reader. We all do it, so no worry! :) Also, I really like the fact that you tried to find a healthier alternative to pasta. What made it easier to cook than other vegetables? Could you be a bit more specific with what the squash actually tastes like, compares in texture, etc.? Nice job!

  4. I grew up eating spaghetti squash so this was fun to read! I would definitely recommend buying them from local farmers markets. I find they are much tastier. Do you think that you would prefer them cooked another way? If so what way? Also how much did the texture bother you exactly? And give more details about what you did not like about the texture?

  5. I've always been curious as to what spaghetti squash would taste like! I am a texture freak myself, I do not like pudding, jello, or yogurt for this reason. Normally I love all types of squash. Does it taste like any of the others? If you decide to cook the squash longer will the texture be different? Overall you wrote a good blog but a few grammar fixes are in order. Thank you for the review!
