Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The Fuzzy Fruit

Kiwi -- a fruit I have never tried because the outside freaks me out a little. I've always had problems with texture of foods, and if it feels weird, I won't eat it. Well, I figured since we had to try something we had never tried, I would attempt to get over my fear of fuzzy fruit.

Kiwis are round, tan-ish in color, and fuzzy. I had a hard enough time picking it up and touching it, so I didn't smell it, but I would assume it smells rather tropical. According to the guy stocking fruit in the produce section, Kiwis are indigenous to northern China. After some research done from livestrong.com it came to my attention that Kiwis have twice as much vitamin C as oranges do. Eating kiwi is best when it is fresh and ripe. The skin is edible so you can eat that, but if you don't like the texture of it, you can half the kiwi, and either scoop out the middle, or cut it into slices.

I chose to cut it into slices and put it in my cereal, but I did try the kiwi first. I bought a couple and tried them by themselves and in the cereal. By itself, it wasn't too bad. I had just halved it and scooped it out and ate it like that. It was pretty sweet, but I think it was because they guy said it was ripe (I have no clue how to tell, all I know is it wasn't squishy, so maybe that's how to tell). I wasn't a fan of the kiwi with cereal, just because I didn't like the taste it gave it. I chose to eat it with cheerios, so maybe that's why. I'm not a fan of sweet/sugary cereals, and it made my cereal a little too sweet for my liking.

Cutting the kiwi was a lot easier than I thought it was going to be. It halved fairly easily, and cutting it into slices was simple. I wasn't really surprised by the inside, only because I had seen the inside of kiwis before, I just never ate them. I didn't really have any troubles fixing it or preparing it, for the most part it was relatively simple.

Overall, the kiwi wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I probably would eat them if I didn't have to touch the hairy, fuzzy outside, just because I think that is repulsive. It definitely wasn't what I expected. I guess I thought the inside would be hairy too and it would just be gross, but it was actually pretty good. I liked that it was sweet and flavorful, and reminded me of tropical paradise. I probably won't ever buy them in the grocery store ever again, but if I happened to stumble across it already halved and cut, I would probably eat it.


  1. I totally agree with you about the fruit being fuzzy! It's very strange to pick it up and feel the texture and to think that it would be a great fruit to eat but it is. I love kiwi and you do a great job describing what its appearance was. I also didn't know that they had twice the amount of vitamin C than oranges, very interesting. I couldn't image trying it in any type of ceral or anything because to me it has a taste that can only be handled alone. Great Post!

  2. I personally love kiwi! I think you did a great job at explaining the fruit over all. For someone who has never tried it before, I would maybe talk more about the texture as I think they have an interesting one. I love that you put the nutrition facts as well, I didn't know that they were that good for you. Do you think you didn't like it with the cereal because of the type of cereal you tried? What if you tried it with a different one? Did they milk make it taste weird?

  3. Kiwis with strawberry is quite good! Cereal seemed a little odd to add kiwi to, but then again, I don't like fruit in my cereals; interesting choice. I think describing it (as you see it) rather than just a generic look would really help the reader understand your point of view better. I like the fact that described the ease of cutting it. It actually is a concern with fruit. Good job!

  4. Your description of the kiwi and why it is so unsatisfying to you is written well. I would have liked to read about the seeds on the inside of the kiwi because the crunch they bring have always been my favorite part. Did you eat them with the slices or did you cut them out? I appreciate that you tried it in more than one way and I understand why you did not like it in a cereal.

  5. I too have always though kiwis were weird. In fact I didn't try one until I was 16 years old, so I certainly know where you are coming from! I really liked how you gave a lot of information about the kiwi because it helped me learn more about kiwis. I'm a little confused about why you would probably never buy them again? Especially after you said you liked the taste.
