Monday, July 28, 2014

New Meat For Me

Trying new recipes is something that I have always enjoyed doing, whether alone, with friends, or family, experimenting and getting something delicious as an outcome is simply spectacular to me. This time, I decided to make something special over the weekend for my boyfriend. Knowing his love for lamb, my mom and decided to dapple in a food area we were unfamiliar with; lamb chops. Since we were unaware of what to do with such a meat, we kept it very simple for the first try! Researching several recipes on Pinterest, we decided on Lamb Chops with Garlic and Olive Oil. It sounded simple and tasty so I decided it would be the one to be judged. Initially, we looked at some recipes that were a bit more involved but I was interested in this one so we could really taste the meat and quality of lamb chops with a simple flavor and preparation.
The cooking process was nice and simple; just the way I like it! The recipe had five ingredients: olive oil, garlic, salt, fresh-ground black pepper, and eight lamb rib chops. The recipe said it would feed four people, considering we had six to feed, we added a few extra chops to the recipe giving eleven total to cook. Amazingly, the recipe only had two steps. Prepare the meat and cook the meat. It said the lamb could be cooked either on the grill or in the oven under the broiler. For ease of cooking, we decided to use the broiler. Once everything but the lamb was combined, you coated the lamb chops in the mixture and they were ready to cook. Even though we had a few extra pieces of meat, the mixture still had enough to coat all eleven of the chops. After that, it was time to cook. The recipe said to cook on one side for five minutes, then to baste the remaining mixture onto the chops. After that, it was time to turn them over, and cook until done which took about five minutes. That was it! It was a very simple and easy to follow recipe that held true to the instructions. Altogether, it took about twenty minutes from start to finish to prepare and cook them.
Two of the lamb chops, once cooled off.

Given that the recipe provided a picture of the projected outcome, we had something to base ours off of. Remarkably, the ones we cooked looked just like the pictures, except the actual chops were just a little smaller. Nevertheless, they looked just a delicious! Once I saw the appearance, I knew we were in for a treat. The meat was the perfect amount of brown on the outside but still juicy and tender looking. Since we did not know how to cook lamb, we trusted the recipe for the right amount of doneness, and it was cooked to our liking. When we cut into the meat, it was slightly pink in the middle but hot throughout giving it the best flavor one could ask for in meat. Having a texture much like a ribeye steak but a flavor all to its own, the lamb was a great choice. For my family, my boyfriend, and myself the lamb was perfect. The seasoning was subtle yet pronounced, the cook time was just right, and the appearance made for a delicious dinner. The possibility of making this recipe is very high for me. As the recipe offered variations of the original recipe, next time I make it I will try adding some of the additional spices or using a different cut for another adventure!


  1. I thought this was interesting because I've never eaten Lamb! I like how easily you made it seem to make it. I always get nervous when cooking with a meat that I've never cooked with. The cooking time was good you said, but since you had a few extra did you think about adding time to cook them? Or did you cook them one by one? I thought this was written very well, didn't leave much room for questions! Good job!

  2. The recipe semmed very simple and I love simple recipes, and the fact that is was a quick one and one that didn't take hours to prepare. I have never tried lamb before, actually I'm not the type to try new meats for some reason. I guess I always have it in the back on my mind that is the meat cooked all the way. I love the pictures, it always helps to see what you are explaing about. I feel that you could spoken a little more about the process of cooking the lamb. It seemed really short amount of cooking time. Overall great job and maybe I will get around to trying some lamb!

  3. This recipe sounds absolutely amazing! Im a huge fan of lamb so I certainly will be trying this recipe out. Its crazy how sometimes the simplest recipes can be the absolute best! When you applied the seasoning exactly how much of each seasoning did you add? I have to say you did a great job of describing it and making it sound extremely delicious!!

  4. I love lamb chops!!! They have a really unique flavor, but in a good way. You should try them with mint or mint jelly. I really like that you had a picture to compare your creation to. It is always good to have a reference point. How are the chops cooked as for as rarity? Are they best medium, rare, or well-done?

  5. This recipe is right up my ally. Simple yet delicious! I really enjoy my steaks medium rare so like Randy I was wondering which rarity you would put it under. Did you serve any sides with it? Or use any sauce? I imagine the flavor of the lamb itself must have been enough. Thank you for the great post!
