Thursday, July 17, 2014

Going GREEK!

For my test tasting I’m going to taste three different types of strawberry Greek Yogurt. I chose Greek Yogurt because I eat regular yogurt in the morning, but I have never ventured out and try Greek Yogurt or any other brands besides Yoplait. Sometimes yogurt makes me feel sick to my stomach if the texture is too chunky, so I would like to find a brand that didn’t make me fell that way. I went to Target and bought Chobani, Yoplait, and Simply Balanced. To make it fair I had one of my friends come over and place a little yogurt into three different bowls so I couldn’t see which one was which. I predict that I will pick Yoplait over the others; because that is usually the brand I go with. 
Bowl #1 was the Chobani. I really looked at the yogurt before I tasted it to see if there might be anything about the appearance that I would notice so I would be able to distinguish which yogurt I was trying, The appearance of the first one looked chunky as I was stirring it around. The color was really white until I stirred it around to mix in the strawberries, which were located at the bottom on the container. The strawberries were in chunks instead of blended in within the yogurt. As I took the first bite I notice that is was a thicker and lumpy texture, which kind of made me feel sick to my stomach. As I took another bite I noticed that I didn’t taste the strawberries in every bite like I would like. I took a sip of water and went onto the bowl #2.

Bowl #2 was the Yoplait. The appearance looked smooth and the color was a red tint. I could tell that the strawberries where blended into yogurt, which is the way I prefer the fruit to be in my yogurt anyways. As I took the first bite, I could tell that I was really going to like this brand. It was smooth and had the perfect amount of strawberry taste. As I tried it again I notice that the texture of the yogurt didn’t make me feel sick to my stomach. It had the perfect blend of yogurt and fruit, and I could see myself eating thing brand again. I took another sip of water and went onto bowl #3.
Bow #3 was the Simply Balanced brand from Target. The appearance looked like it had a few chunks in it but not as bad as the first bowl. The color was more like the second bowl so I knew it was going to have more strawberries in it than the first one did but not as much as the second. As I took my first bite I noticed that the yogurt itself was very bland. There was no flavor what so ever besides the over powering taste of the strawberries, which was so sweet it almost tasted like it was a syrup based product. I didn’t want to try another bite of this one, because I just knew that it was going to make me sick.

My experience trying the different brands of Greek Yogurt was definitely something that I didn’t expect. I figured I would like more of the different brands. Out of the three that I tried to Yoplait would be the Greek Yogurt I would consider buying again. I may venture out again and try some different flavors of Greek Yogurt sometime soon.


  1. I think you did a great job, you gave a nice introduction to your previous opinions of yogurt and brands. I think that you could add a little more detail into the flavors of each. You mentioned about the strawberries and sweetness, but yogurt has a lot of other flavors, maybe expand on those! I've never tried to Yoplait, but I think I will soon!

  2. I think you could have added a little more about the flavors, especially about how Chobani is most of the time extremely tart and definitely an acquired taste. I agree with you about liking Yoplait the best; their greek yogurt and their normal yogurt is a favorite of mine. Maybe if you talked about how it made your stomach feel, like explain the feelings more in depth it would turn the reader off and maybe make why you did not like the brand a little more understandable.

  3. Recently I have been trying to eat greek yogurt instead of regular yogurt and Chobani has always been my brand. I have noticed that sometimes the Chobani yogurt can vary in texture from cup to cup. Did you try multiple cups?

  4. We should put Yoplait and Fage against each other with a third competitor and have a battle royale!!! How did you find the texture of the strawberries? I noticed that many strawberries were limp and sometimes even tasteless relying on the sauce.

  5. I am not a fan of yogurt at all. The texture is just too unpleasant to me. I understand when you say it makes you sick to your stomach. By the sound of things Yoplait may be the next yogurt I try. Is strawberry the only flavor you eat in the mornings?

  6. I love yogurt, but I HATE Greek yogurt. Many people ask me what the difference is, and I think it would be beneficial to explain the difference in taste. I, like you, do not like a chunky consistency. It makes me feel sick also. If i think its fruit I am usually fine, but if it even has potential of being a curdle... oh boy... What made you decide to try greek yogurt? Why not plain yogurt.
