Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Chinese Food In The House!

           Chinese food is probably my second favorite food, but for some reason I have never tried to cook it. I always wanted to try and make Chinese food at home but thought there were a lot of ingredients into making Chinese food, but there isn’t.  I started out looking on Pinterest for different types of recipes until I finally found the right one. I was going to try to make homemade beef stir-fry.
When I eat Chinese food I usually go with some kind of chicken, but for this post I decided to try a beef recipe. I went to the store to pick out the perfect flank steak that I was going to use in my stir-fry. I also grabbed a bag of carrots, sweet peas, broccoli (which I added to the recipe), and the seasoning that I needed to make this meal. I started off by cutting the steak into strips as the recipes says. Then I added it all into a pan with olive oil and the seasoning as well as the onions and a glove of garlic. I let that cook for about 15 minutes. In a separate pan I cooked the carrots, sweet peas, and the broccoli until they were softened along with a glove of garlic and about one tablespoon of soy sauce. When both the beef and the vegetables were done I added them together with another tablespoon of soy sauce and let it simmer together for about 10 minutes. As it was all simmering together I could really started smelling all the seasonings and soy coming together make a heavenly smell.
The appearance of the final product looked just like something I would receive if I had gone to a restaurant and ordered the same time. It had the perfect amount of color from the carrots to the sweet peas and broccoli. As I took my first bite I was super impressed with myself when it came to the meat. It was cooked just perfect; it was so tender that I could cut it with my fork.  For the broccoli I had to use a frozen steam bag because the broccoli at the store just didn’t look right to me, so it was an alright texture. I always prefer fresh vegetables when I cook. The carrots were perfect to my liking. I like my carrots to have a little crunch but to still be soft but not too soft. The sweet peas were a little crunchy than when I have had them at a restaurant but still wasn’t a bad taste. I actually like that there was a little crunch in the mixture.
I will certainly use this recipe again. I was very happy with the way that the stir-fry came out. I would probably add a little more seasoning and soy sauce the next time to really give the flavoring a boost. Going into this recipe I didn’t think it was going to be easy, but it was. The next time my family comes into town I will have to make it for them to see what they think about it. If you like Chinese food or any kind of stir-fry, then I would certainly recommend you trying this recipe!


  1. I have always thought the same thing about making Chinese food at home, so I like that you provided me with assurance that it is completely do-able! Does this particular recipe have to be made with beef or could you try to substitute for a different meat? I really enjoy versatile recipes so knowing more about if you could add veggies or mix it up in a way would be helpful. Very nice job though!!

  2. I agree! I love Chinese food but I'm always so scared to make it. I think you should add a little bit more detail about how it smelled and the texture of it, just so we can know a little bit more about how it tasted and smelled. Overall, I thought this was awesome! I never have the confidence to try and make chinese food, so this definitely gave me a little. Try adding more descriptions about the food in general, and it'll be great!

  3. I just love how versatile stir fry meals can be! I really wish I knew more recipes because I only know a few. How did you decide to use this recipe out of all of the choices you looked at? Were you glad you made the choice you made? Or would you maybe want to try a different recipe next time?

  4. I love making stir fry! Did you eat it over a bed of rice? I find that to be more filling! I like that you but baby carrots in there! I usually put in shredded carrots, but I bet the flavor is much better with a whole carrot! I like how you described the vegetables and if they were cooked to your liking. I personally do not like my carrots to crunch when they are cooked! I would suggest using mushrooms in your next batch!
